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After the King and Queen of Spain got rid of the Moors from Spain, they were interested in a western route to India because it was difficult going through the Middle East with the Muslims.

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Q: How did Columbus get the king and queen of Spain to pay for his expedition?
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Who sent cristopher Columbus to the expedition?

the King and Queen of Spain

How does Columbus promote his expedition to the king and the queen of Spain in?

He promoted by the Holy Christian Faith.

Who financed Christopher Columbus's expedition?

the funding came from Queen Isabella and king Ferdinand of Spain

How does Columbus promote his expedition to the king and queen of Spain in 1492?

He promoted by the Holy Christian Faith.

Who paid his expedition to sail to America?

Do you mean, Columbus? King Ferdinand (V) and Queen Isabella of Spain.

Who sponsored christopher Columbus's expedition to the Americas?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain sponsored Christopher Columbus. I believed they also supported fo the ships, supplies, ect.

How did Columbus get the King and queen of Spain to pay his expedition?

After the King and Queen of Spain got rid of the Moors from Spain, they were interested in a western route to India because it was difficult going through the Middle East with the Muslims.

Who helped Christopher Columbus make his voyages?

Queen Isabella and King Fredinand of Spain gave Christopher Columbus money and 3 ships for his expedition in 1492.

Did Columbus go to the king ofr permission to go on his exploration?

Yes he most certainly did. To the very King of Spain. He also went to the King of Spain and the Queen to get the money he needed to pay for his expedition. The Queen made the deal.

Who was the financer of Christopher Columbus's voyage?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand financed or sponsored columbus' travels the the "New Woorld".

What was the result of Christopher Columbus's first expedition?

The First Voyage of Christopher Columbus: Having convinced the King and Queen of Spain to finance his voyage, Christopher Columbus departed mainla.

What was the result of Christopher's Columbus first expedition?

The First Voyage of Christopher Columbus: Having convinced the King and Queen of Spain to finance his voyage, Christopher Columbus departed mainla.