

How did Cortes gain allies to help conquer the Aztecs?

Updated: 12/7/2021
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11y ago

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Because of they killed him

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Q: How did Cortes gain allies to help conquer the Aztecs?
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Cortes defeated the Aztecs.

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Who were the Aztecs and why did hernan Cortes want to the conquer them?

The Spanish came to America for the three G's God, Glory, and Gold. That's why he conquered the Aztecs, the dominating tribe in the area.

Why did Spain conquered the Aztecs?

Originally, Spain did not want to conquer the Aztecs, they mainly wanted to establish trade with them, especially for gold and silver. However, when the Spanish saw the huge numbers of human sacrifices, cannibalism and other cruelties they decided that the only way to eliminate these practices was to conquer the people.

When did Cortes gain allies on this way to tenochtitlan?

I had a hard time figuring out this and I did not figure this ever out. So I can not help you because I dont know what the answer is either.

What impact did the Aztecs religious beliefs haveon cortess appoach to tenochitlan?

Hernan Cortes used the Aztec religious beliefs to his advantage by exploiting the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl's return, claiming to be the god returning, which helped him gain both allies and create fear among the Aztecs. This approach ultimately played a significant role in the downfall of Tenochtitlan as it caused divisions within the Aztec empire and weakened their resistance against the Spanish conquest.

What did Cortes gain for himself or the country he represented?

He gained thumin spices, the formula for making leather, and small amounts of silver and gold. There is a legend that the Aztecs saw Cortes as a white-skinned god, and gave him a magical bird. Cortes thought the bird was useless and returned it to the wild. This angered the Aztec leader, who burned their ship and held Cortes's men hostage.

How did Hernando Cortes gain control of Mexico?

Through sheer power. He had the weapons and they weren't ready for him. The Spanish also brought old world disease to the new world and there was no immunity to what they brought. People got sick and died. They did fight him, but he was too advanced for them. He had only 550 Spaniards, some 250 Indians, 12-15 horses, and 10 brass guns. When he landed in San Juan de Ulma messengers from Montezuma reached him. He arrived in Mexico on Nov. 8, 1519 and took Montezuma prisoner and had him submit to Spain. There were over 300,000 in population at this time. The Mexicans did try to fight him and actually hated him, but he also got help from some of the native tribes he conquered .

Was Hernn Corts good or bad?

BAD:He destroyed the Aztecs just to get gold and to gain power. GOOD:He captured The Aztec Empire, then turned it into Mexico... Maybe there would be NO Mexico State right now if the Aztecs kept this land. THANK YOU CORTES FOR GIVING US MEXICO...... I THINK(:

What problem was hernan Cortes trying to solve?

Hernan Cortes was initially sent by the Spanish government to explore and establish trade relationships in the New World. However, upon arriving in Mexico, he became determined to conquer the Aztec Empire in order to gain wealth, power, and resources for himself and the Spanish crown.

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How did the Aztecs gain the power and wealth that they had?

mada alliances with others!!