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Q: How did Cosimo Brunelleschi and Florence contribute to the birth of the renaissance?
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What renaissance family patronized the arts in Florence?

The Medici family, Cosimo, his son Piero and Piero's son Lorenzo.

Where did Cosimo Medici live?

Which one ;D. Just kidding they both lived in Florence, Italy during the Renaissance.

What was unique about cosimo?

Cosimo de Medici was a ruler of Florence and founder of Medici dynasty. His reign fell during the renaissance period and he is known for being a great supporter of learning, arts and architecture. He used his wealth to promote skilled professionals in these fields which made Florence a prominent hub of intellectual and artistic activity in renaissance period.

What leader of Florence helped the Renaissance succeed by commissioning numerous paintings and works of art from the most famous of the Renaissance artists?

Cosimo De Medici. Lorenzo De Medici was his father and started off the commissions. But Cosimo did most of the work, commissioning work from artists such as donatello, bernini and michelangelo.

Which artists did Cosimo de Medici support?

Some of the most important artists supported by Cosimo il Vecchio were Brunelleschi, Michelozzo, Donatello, and Fra Angelico.

When was Cosimo Calamini born?

Cosimo Calamini was born on October 26, 1975, in Florence, Tuscany, Italy.

What city did Cosimo de' Medici rule?


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Cosimo de Medici?

He was Florence's signore, the person who runs the city.

Where was Cosimo de Medici born?

Well he was born in Florence

How is cosimo de Medici connected to the renaissance?

he lived at dat time