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Q: How did Ethiopia and siam successfully resist European rule?
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Why was Ethiopia able to successfully resist European rule-?

Because, according to P. B. Henze, author of "Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia", published by London, Hurst & Co; ISBN 1-85065-522-7; a battle at Adwa in 1896 proved the superiority of "Blacks over Whites", when the Italians lost that battle. Thus, they earned the right to remain independent.

What two African nations remained independent of European colonial rule at the end of the 1800s?

East Africa was able to resist European conquest

Why was Ethiopia able to succesfully resist European rule?

Ethiopia was one of the two African nations to resist European rule (the other being Liberia),This was caused by one man known as Menelik II. He was emperor of Ethiopia and successfully tricked Italians, French, and British against each other on who gets control of Ethiopia. In the meantime Menelik II built modern weapons to destroy them. After Menelik in 1924 Haile Selassie became king and kept Ethiopia independent with the help of the British who didn't want to lose their nearby territory of Somaliland, during world war 2.

Which two African countries were never under European colonial rule?

Ethiopia and Sudan

How did Ethiopia successfully resist European rule?

Ethiopia maintained their independence. Ethiopia had been divided up among a number of rival princes who ruled their own domains. Menelik ii hired experts to build roads and brideges and ste up a western school system. He imported weapons and European soldiers to help trainhis army. When Italy tried to invade Ethiopia they were smashed b/c Ethiopia was prepared. Ethiopia behind Liberia are ther only nations in Africa who has protected their independence.

What caused Filipinos to resist spanish rule?

Because no one wants to be colonized (aka have their ancestral homelands stolen) by European imperialists.

Did africans resist colonial rule?

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Why did africans resist colonial rule?

Any self respecting peoples resist colonisation.

Which tropical African country was never a European colony?

Ethiopia and Liberia are the only African countries that were never colonized. It's true that the American Colonization Society BOUGHT land in Liberia to settle free slaves but there was no white rule. And 95% of the population are native Africans who have, at no point in history, been under white rule.

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How did Ethiopia keep Europeans out of their country?

Ethiopia was not colonized because it resisted Italy's colonization efforts by winning the Battle of Adowa. Although Italy came back to avenge this loss and rule Ethiopia for five years this is not considered as colonization as it lasted for a short period of time and during this time Italy could not control the guerrilla fighters who were fighting to free their country. Ethiopia was very well guarded by its environment and surrounding empires, which played a key role in warding off European invaders. Ethiopians were also very resistant and successful in defeating European powers.

What two nations in Africa were not colonized by Europeans?

Ethiopia and Sudan are the two African countries that were never under the colonial rule. Sudan is incorrect - it was an Anglo-Egyptian 'Condominium'. The other African country usually thought of as not under colonial rule is Liberia. (independent 1847).