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Well this is how......Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia had wanted to unite all Slavic people for some time, a belief known as pan-slavism, so they declared war on Austria-Hungary since Serbia was a Slavic nation, since Germany had been backing up Serbia through the whole ordeal since their leader, Kaiser Wilheim II was a great friend of Franz Ferdinand, then Germany declared war on France since they knew they were in an alliance with RUssia, then when Germany went to invade France they had to cross through Belgium, which is an eternally neutral country as stated by some document all of Europe signed some time before, when Belgium didn't let Germany go through Germany had to invade Belgium, the documents signers had promised to come to the aid to any of the eternally neutral countries if they were invaded, Great Britain had signed this document, and so had to declare war on Germany. Hope this helps sum it up for you :)

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Q: How did European alliances lead to more countries getting involved in World War 1?
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What are 2 long term causes of world war 1?

One of the long Term causes was the Alliance system, The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente In the Triple Entente was - England, Russia and France. In the Triple Alliance was - Germany, Austira-Hungary and Italy. The alliances meant that the countries agreed that when one of them was in trouble the other two countries had to help out, no matter how small trouble was. By having this alliance it meant that countries were getting involved where they didn't need to be and so the Alliances grew between countries and soon it was just too much effort to not have a war so a war was started. Another few causes were Nationalism, where countries were basically just showing off and saying my country is better than yours. As well as Imperialism. However Militarism I think is another larger reason for the start of WW1. (This reason kind of includes Imperialism. England and Germany were two very proud countries who both thought they were better than each other and had almost a constant battle between themselves over who had the biggest empire and who had the biggest army, they wouldn't really fight over it but would be constantly trying to get more men into their armies and own more land, so when the chance to gain alliances came up both countries jumped at the chance as it meant a larger army. Plus more weapons and sort of a bigger empire - even though it was just alliances. So both countries quickly made the alliances. I hope this has helped answer your questions, sorry if anything is spelled wrong or I have missed out a detail, I am only 13.

Why did many countries feel bitter and cheated as a result of treaty?

The reason why the countries felt bitter and cheated as a result of the treaty is because the other countries werent getting enough chicklets.

How did European colonists change from being citizens of the empire to starting a country that has become a world power?

by being ygs and getting them chips

How did a dead archduke in Sarajevo start a world war?

The archduke Franz Ferdinand, which of course had much power and influence over Austrio-Hungry, was assassinated with his wife, which caused an instability in the region. Franz was killed by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist, who wanted to end unfair demands against the Kingdom of Serbia. Franz's death and the instability caused the surrounding areas to go into chaos, with larger countries such as England, France, and Germany siding with different sides of the argument, causing the battle to turn to war. The war eventually spread to several continents, getting more countries involved. That's how a dead archduke started a world war.

Why did the league of nations fail to solve collective security issues in the lead up to world war 2?

One was because the people that thought it up were not involved in it. It might have been better had the U.S actually been involved in it. Also people were still suffering from or getting over the Great Depression and did not have the strength to go after Mussolini and Hitler and anybody else who posed a threat to other nations

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