

How did German bomb Britain?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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14y ago

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By flying planes over it and releasing explosives.

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Q: How did German bomb Britain?
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The Italians were not involved in the Battle of Britain, but rather they were in Africa.

What places did Britain bomb during World War 2?

Mostly German cities like Berlin, Hamburg and controversially - Dresden.

What german inventor invented the atomic bomb?

No german, the inventor of the atom bomb was a hungarian.

Why did Britain bomb London?

London is IN Britain and didnt bomb any other part of the UK

What is bomb in German?

A bomb - eine Bombe The bomb - die Bombe

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the V1 flying bomb (V1 standing for vengeance weapon) was mainly used to bomb Britain in world war 2, it was also used in other countries but mostly in England

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Never, Britain has never been attacked by a nuclear (atom) bomb.

Why did Germany bomb London in the Battle of Britain?

During WW II, Germany attacked Britain, and Britain retaliated. That's what happens in times of war. You bomb me, and I'll bomb you. Fortunately all of that is over, and Britain and Germany are good friends in the 21st century.

What type of battle of Britain what happened?

In the second World War, "The Battle of Britain" was when the German airforce tried to bomb the RAF aerodromes and fighter planes to destruction. This was in preparation for an invasion of Great Britain by crossing in force over the English Channel. The German High Command then changed tactics, and began to bomb London and other cities. This left the RAF alone long enough to regroup and prepare to fight afresh. Eventually, the RAF and our allies gained command of the air.

How you do you say bomb in German?


Who knows any facts about the Blitz?

The Blitz was when the Luftwaffe(German Airforce) came over to Britain and dropped bombs down onto big cities. Their first intention was to bomb the RAF but decided to bomb the cities instead which is partly why the the blackout started. The Blackout was where the whole of Britain practically turned off all lights.

Was it right for Britain to bomb German cities?

Germany did not bomb British citys until England bombed German citys first.England declaried war on Germany first and drew first blood. A good student can discover truth with study and disreguard Poltical correct history.A good place to start is the work of David Irving