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Q: How did Governor Orval Faubus attempt to maintain segregation in his state?
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What high school did Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus impose segregation?

Little Rock High School, Arkansas

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Orval Faubus was the Governor of Arkansas during this confrontation.

Why did the 1957 board of the all-white Central High School choose to enroll nine African American students?

support Governor Faubus' fight against segregation

Who was the governor of arkansas who challenged the authorityof the federal government to integrate schools in his state?

Orval Faubus

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Orval Faubus

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Governor of Arkansas called out the national guard in order to prevent nine black students from entering an al white school?

Orval Faubus

Who was Orval Faubus?

He was the Governor of Arkansas who resisted the desegregation of the state's schools in Little Rock in the 1950s.

What did Orval Faubus and Woodrow Wilson Mann have in common?

Orval Faubus and Woodrow Wilson Mann both served as the Governor of Arkansas. Faubus, a Democrat, famously opposed desegregation and used the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the integration of Little Rock Central High School in 1957. Mann, also a Democrat, succeeded Faubus as governor in 1967 and focused on increasing funding for education and implementing progressive policies.

Who was governor of Arkansas who challenged the authority of the federal government to integrate the school in his state?

Orval Faubus

Why did the actions of arkansas governor orval faubus regarding school integration gain national attention?

Faubus ordered states troopers to prevent African American students from integrating a school.-Novanet

Who was the governor that tried to stop school integration?

principally, Orville Faubus (Arkansas) and George Wallace (Alabama)