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Henry II required legal rulings to be written down and persuaded the Great Council to advise attorneys.

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Q: How did Henry II strengthen the jury system?
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What did Henry II do to broaden the system of royal justice?

Henry II took a major step in developing the jury system. Henry II set up a system to resolve land disputes using juries. A jury of twelve free men were assigned to arbitrate in these disputes-Chubbinske

How did Henry II's innovative of justice contribute to the growth of royal power?

Henry II took a major step in developing the jury system. Henry II set up a system to resolve land disputes using juries. A jury of twelve free men were assigned to arbitrate in these disputes-Chubbinske

How did Henry innovative system of justic contribute to the growth of royal power?

Henry II took a major step in developing the jury system. Henry II set up a system to resolve land disputes using juries. A jury of twelve free men were assigned to arbitrate in these disputes-Chubbinske

How did Henry innovative system of justice contribute to the growth of Royal power?

Henry II took a major step in developing the jury system. Henry II set up a system to resolve land disputes using juries. A jury of twelve free men were assigned to arbitrate in these disputes-Chubbinske

How did Henry innovate system of justice contribute to the growth of royal power?

Henry II took a major step in developing the jury system. Henry II set up a system to resolve land disputes using juries. A jury of twelve free men were assigned to arbitrate in these disputes-Chubbinske

What changes did Henry II make to how criminals were tried?

Legal reforms introduced by King Henry II of England were the first steps towards the modern system of trial by jury.

Who started the jury sytem in England?

Henry II

Did Henry II of England perform any famous acts?

He introduced trial by jury.

What was the long term effect on Henry II's developnent of the jury trial?

cheese, chicken, and corn

Who was the better King Henry II or Henry III?

Henry II. He known as "Henry the lawmaker" and was responsible for the first stage in setting up a legal system.

Who laid the foundation for the right to a trail by jury?

King Henry II who ruled England 1154-1189

What important legal practice dates back to Henry II?

Jury trial, As a means of administering 'Royal Justice'.