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Hitler made German blooded children learn how to identify a Jew. they were taught that a Jew was usually recognized by his nose because it is crooked at the end. it also looks like the figure six. so is was called the " Jewish six". many non-Jews also have crooked noses too but their noses are bent, not at the end but further up. such a nose is called a hook nose or an eagles beak it has nothing to do with a Jewish nose. the Jew is also recognized by his lips. his lips are usually thick. often the lower lip hangs down. that is called "sloppy". and the Jew is also recognized by his eyes. his eyelids are thicker and more fleshy than ours. the look of the Jew is sly and sharp. they were also told that the Jews are spawns of the devil and deserved to be killed and it was their duty to rid Germany of the Jewish disease.

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Q: How did Hitler use propaganda in schools for slackers?
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Propaganda, Terror and controlled education

Did hitler use propaganda poster to make germans hate jews?

Hitler and his subordinates vilified Jews using propaganda posters, film, radio, books, newspapers, and other media, even children's board games.

Why did Hitler use propaganda?

Hitler used Propaganda because it is one of the best ways of controlling gullible people. Most leaders use propaganda as an effective tool to manipulate their sycophants into the practice of blind loyalty. Many people of the world today continue to follow their political, religious, cultural and ethnic leaders with blind faith and adoration.

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Propaganda, and the use of many speechs to bring his position up to power.

Did Hitler use television for propaganda in Germany?

No, television was not widely available in Germany during Hitler's time in power. Instead, Hitler used radio broadcasts, rallies, posters, and film to disseminate propaganda and control public opinion.

How did the use of Propaganda help Hitler to enact a violent elimination programme against Germany's Jews?

Propaganda was used by Hitler to dehumanize and scapegoat the Jewish population, turning public opinion against them. By demonizing Jews through propaganda, Hitler was able to justify and garner support for his violent actions, such as the Holocaust, which ultimately led to the systematic murder of six million Jews in Europe.

Why did Adolf Hitler use propaganda?

Adolf Hitler used propaganda to manipulate public opinion, consolidate power, and ensure support for his regime. By controlling the flow of information, he could shape how people viewed him and his policies, fostering a sense of unity and loyalty among the German population. Propaganda helped Hitler maintain control over the masses and further his political agenda.

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In the first phase of the Holocaust Hitler and the Nazis were successful in separating the Jews from the rest of the population with the use of .?

posters mainly.

Did Hitler use propaganda in World War 1?

Yes. Hitler is one of the best-known Anti-Semites in world history and certainly the one who tried the hardest and succeeded to the greatest degree in eliminating the Jewish people from the world (which is the prime goal of Anti-Semites).