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It sucked a big D then gave it to your mother to take a ride.

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Q: How did Irish potato contribute to Irish nationalism?
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What is an important fact about Ireland in the 1800s?

Potato Famine of the 1840s. Rise in Irish Nationalism. Rise in Power of the Catholic Church. Catholic emancipation in the 1820s.

What was the Irish republican army political philosophies?

A combination of Irish nationalism and Socialism.

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nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

What is Irish nationalism?

Irish nationalism refers to Ireland's struggle for independence during its history, wanting to be a an independent Irish nation.

How did Irish potato famine contribute to development of US?

Many Irish people emigrated to the US and made contributions in a wide variety of ways like in work, culture, politics etc.

How did the Balkan nationalism contribute to the of the ottoman empire?

nationalism in Balkan helped contribute to the outbreak of world war 1(WW1).

Which potato contains more electricity - white potato Irish potato or a sweet potato?

Irish potatoes do have more electricity!They are also the yummiest!

What is an Irish potato?

an Irish potato is a mode-ed brown potato potato is was caused by the rain in the summer which caused the famine because potato's died if && they had to eat cornmeal or grits

The caused many Irish people to immigrate to the US?

Potato Famine

Where did Irish Potato candies originate?

Irish Potato Candies originated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Irish potato candy is a type of candy made from coconut cream, sugar and cinnamon.

What caused an Irish exodus and the US during the 19th century?

The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.The potato famine.