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AnswerBoth Christianity and Judaism called for submission to Allah (God in English) the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no associate, and no companion. Islam religion, per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad by God through the angel Gabriel, completed the role of these two previuos religions in correcting for deviations that were introduced, in the previous beliefs, by some to implement their own ideas and thoughts. In addition, Quran, as the last God holy book, detailed the morals and the rules for life that should be considered by believers in God.

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View pointIt did not. Muslims must accept 100% of the Koran. If a verse conflict with another verse they Must take the newer or later verse. The violent to non -believers come at the end of the book. "Taqiya" from the Koran states it is OK to lie, cheat, steal or even kill non-believers. Sharia law states it is the only law and non believers must be converted or killed. Comment on the view point aboveI wonder of the view point above. I challenge him/her to bring any statement/verse in Quran/Koran or any sayings of prophet Muhammad confirming his/her saying that Koran basically says it is OK to lie, cheat, steal and even kill non-believers. Sharia law is the only law so it states and his/her saying that All non-believers must be converted or killed. Give one proof here otherwise it is you who lies and propagates offenssive and false information about Islam. I challenge you to give one proof.
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Q: How did Islam complete what Christianity and Judaism had begun?
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