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Madison announced his Federalist leanings when, elected to the Continental Congress, he allied himself with those who wanted a stronger national goverment

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Q: How did James Madison's actions at the Constitutional Congress of 1780 point to his actions at the Constitutional Convention?
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The first act of delegates' first actions at the constitutional convention was provided for the oath.

What was one of the delegates first actions at the constitution convention?

The first act of delegates' first actions at the constitutional convention was provided for the oath.

What was one of the delegates first actions at the constitutional?

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There were many actions that Rufus King took to help the US Constitution. He was a Massachusetts delegate during the Continental Convention. He rallied for the support of colonies for the fight for independence. He also was one of the signers of the US Constitution.

What was one of the delegates' first actions at the Constitutional Convention?

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 accomplished a great deal during the first days of the event. First of all, George Washington was unanimously voted in as the first President of the United States. Next they developed a framework for the separation of government powers that resulted in the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

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Where did the Fear of the leveling spirit at Constitutional convention of 1787 come from?

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The actions of the Congress of Vienna help to generate independence in South America.

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Who decides whether executive actions are constitutional?

The supreme court

What is a formal disapproval of a congress mans actions?
