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Life on earth is the place to do the mitzvos (God's commands) while the soul is still inside the body and has free-will. The afterlife is not a time of free-will and it is too late to decide to suddenly start doing God's commands.

There is more, but that is one difference.

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Q: How did Jews beliefs on life on Earth and the after-life differ?
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Hindus believe in rebirth and reincarnation, which the three religions do not believe in.

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Jews don't bury their dead with servants, boats or other artifacts to take with them to the next world. We Jews believe that the only thing you can take with you are the good deeds (mitzvot; Divine commands) which you fulfilled in this world.

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Nobody has ever come back to tell us, and there is almost no mention of it in the Hebrew Bible, so Jews generally do not focus on the afterlife. However, there are many individual beliefs.

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How have Jews preserved their 4 beliefs?

The Jews keep historical culture.Answer:Jews have preserved their beliefs by learning and observing the Torah.

What do Reform Jews believe about life after death?

Jewish beliefs on the subject of life after death are varied. The tradition teaches that the dead will be resurrected, the righteous will be rewarded and sinners will face justice, but it but gives no detail. Judaism on the whole teaches that we should focus on this life rather than on the world to come, and Jews are frequently puzzled by the way Christians seem to obsess on Heaven, Hell and some kind of salvation in the afterlife. This means that, in general, regardless of the stream of Judaism from which a person comes, privately held beliefs about the world to come are not seen as crucial. Reform Jews generally tend to take what the tradition says as more likely to be allegoric than factual, but like other Jews, individual beliefs range from skepticism to firm belief that there is an afterlife.

Can Jews not have a belief?

Some Jews are atheists, professing no beliefs in a Divinity or the supernatural.

What are the beliefs of Ashkenazi Jews?

Ashkenazi Jews are one of the two main groups of Jews, the other being Sephardi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews differ from Sephardi Jews in that they do not eat legumes, grains, and rice, but they have generally less strict rules for kosher meats and combining fish and dairy. They also more permissive of married and widowed women wearing wigs and do not name their children after living relatives.

How do orthdox Jews differ from secular Jews?

Orthodox Jews learn the Torah as God's words and fulfill its laws.

What do Jews believe about hell?

Jews don't believe in the existence of hell.Answer:Although the name "hell" isn't a Hebrew word, the existence of the afterlife and reward and punishment is well-rooted in Judaism and is mentioned briefly in the Prophets and described at length in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 90-110 and elsewhere). Maimonides includes this among the most important Jewish beliefs.

What are the beliefs in health care to Orthodox Jews?

the beliefs of maimonodies. Realy Guide to the perplexed by maimonodies