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Q: How did Jews try to escape the holocaust camps?
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Did Jews try to escape during the holocaust?

some did, some didn't.

How did the Jews escape?

they would try to run away from the consentration camps or would try to get themselves into trouble so that they would die and have no more pain.

What is the differences of the Holocaust and segregation?

well for one the Holocaust was the killing of Jews and segregation was just separating black people from white people. I don't think that we had concentration camps so we can try and kill off the blacks. hope i helped :)

Where would Jews hide during holocaust?

The Jews would normally try to escape the country to France or Britain, if they were lucky but if they got caught they could be killed or put into forced labor, the Nazi's made NO exceptions to the Jews. Hope I helped.

What were Adolf Hitler's incinerators and which people in Poland had to try to escape them?

Vague questiona but incinerators were used to burn Jews after being gassed in many death camps in Poland.

Did the inmates of the holocaust try to escape?

Yes, no, maybe so

What group or people helped the Jews escaped the holocaust?

what? People that helped others escape from concentration camps would most likely try to escape themselves with them, but if they didn't go with them nothing would happen......................................if they didn't get caught. If they got caught they's be shot, hung that sort of thing.

How are the Jews that didn't try to escape responsible?

they are not

Why was Number the Stars written?

The book number the stars was wriiten was because Lois Lowry wanted to make a kids book explaing the Holocaust and how the Jews try to escape from the Nazi.

Did any children try to escape the holocaust?

Yes, Most got caught but some did escape because the children in the female camps sneaked out the iddle of night along help with a prisone to free them, the ways that they got free was from gaps in the fences or escape hidden in the vehicles that the nazis droved

When did the Jews try to escpe from concentration camp?

Any time when they stupidly think it was safe to escape, Jews try to escape when they think theirs a way or a time gap which then they could escape

Did the Jews try to steel food or sneak food in the holocaust?
