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He was convenient and was used as a patsy by others is most prevalent theory meaning he was innocent and covered up nothing since he wasn't part of it


There's no convincing reason to believe Lee Harvey Oswald was part of a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. There's much convincing evidence that he acted alone.

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Q: How did Lee Harvey Oswald cover up a conspiracy theory on JFK's assassination?
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Who kill John F. Kennedy?

The official answer is Lee Harvey Oswald. People (aka Conspiracy Theorists) who don't believe that have suggested: the government, the CIA, the Mafia, the Republicans, space aliens, etc.

What film is the assasin of Kennedy in?

The Oliver Stone film called JFK, released in 1991 tells the story of a conspiracy theory surrounding Lee Harvey Oswald. The movie uses the names of real people but the story is fictionalized.

What is lacking evedince in the conspiracy theory for the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

There is no lacking in the evidence of the assassination of JFK. There are many different conspiracy theories, but they are just theories. They all lack sufficient evidence for them to be credible.

What is the most popular conspiracy theory about the Kennedy Assassination?

The most popular theory of the Kennedy Assassination is that there was a second gunman by the grassy knoll. Other theories point to an inside job done by the CIA because of the Bay of Pigs.

What is the most well known conspiracy theory?

The Apollo Moon landing hoax. While I agree with the above poster that the Moon Landing is quite a common theory, I would argue the Kennedy assassination is the most well known conspiracy theory.

What did the warren commission conclude about the number of killer?

The highly flawed Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of US President Kennedy concluded that there was one shooter. That person was Lee Harvey Oswald. One quick comment on this: Imagine a person bent on assassinating the US President. Now imagine the odds of the President's travel route passing right next to where you work. Imagine you also had an ancient Italian carbine. Imagine that time after time FBI and/or military snipers unable to duplicate the "assassination" and failing.

Was John F. Kennedy's death a conspiracy?

Yes, it was. A conspiracy of one, so to speak, Lee Harvey Oswald.There is no evidence that John Kennedy's assassination was a conspiracy.It could be said that there is no evidence disproving it either, because proving such a negative is impossible.You cannot *prove* there are no undetectable unicorns in the room with you, but this does not support the idea that there are any. Similarly, the inability to prove Oswald had no (completely unnecessary) helper in no way supports the idea that he may have had help.The McAdams link I am posting below goes to the single best, most scrupulously skeptical, page on the Net.Many people believe that there was a conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy, but to date, no credible theory has been presented. The mainstream view of historians, supported by the hard evidence, is that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.Not unless you mean a conspiracy of one, Lee Harvey Oswald.Having lived through the Kennedy era, his death was the '9/11' of his day, similar to the death of Diana Princess of Wales; it was an event where you can remember where and when you heard the news, and what you were doing at the time.It is also an event which, like all devastating news events, in the aftermath of these conspiracy theories become commonplace. There are conspiracy theories that suggest that President Bush somehow knew that 9/11 was about to happen; that Diana was murdered; that Elvis faked his death; that the Apollo moon landings were hoaxes; and that Kennedy's death was a cover up because of a conspiracy.The Warren Commission - set up to investigate the assassination - reached the conclusion that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, was responsible for Kennedy's death. While trivial and unimportant details can be quibbled about, the main conclusion, Oswald's guilt, cannot be reasonably doubted.As with the other conspiracy theories mentioned above, there is no real evidence that any conspiracy took place. It was a one person job, no need to postulate anyone else involved. No magic bullets were needed, and the "Badgeman" on the grassy knoll would have been cat-sized, if he had actually existed at all.

Why did the government cover up the John F. Kennedy assassination?

They didn't. The simple facts of this open-and-shut case are as follows: Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, fired 3 shots at the President, hitting him twice. It took the more advanced forensics of more modern times to explain the bullet path of the second bullet, as well as to prove there was a concrete wall between the President and the Grassy Knoll "sniper" location at the time of the third, and fatal, head shot. Oswald just wanted to get his name in the history books and did... there is no speck of evidence that he had or needed help. The simple facts are not enough to satisfy some people. They dislike gays, or the CIA, or the Mafia, and to their mind, this constitutes proof that JFK was killed by a conspiracy of same. The fact there is no shred of solid evidence, let alone proof, of any of this, is not interpreted as proof the conspiracy theory is wrong... as always, the conspiracy theorists take the lack of proof as evidence that the conspiracy was *perfect*!

What was the Production Budget for Conspiracy Theory?

The Production Budget for Conspiracy Theory was $80,000,000.

When was Conspiracy Theory released?

Conspiracy Theory was released on 08/08/1997.

What gun did Harvey Oswald used to kill the president?

Lee Harvey Oswald used a 6.5 x 52 mm Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle, serial number C2766. The rifle was equipped with a 4x Hollywood brand scope. The military surplus rifle and scope were sold through Klein's Sporting Goods Company by mail order. Alternate theories The Kennedy assassination is one of the most debated events of the 20th century. There are many alternate theories as to the exact circumstances of the assassination. Some hold that Oswald was not the real shooter, in which case he did not use any rifle. There is also some controversy as to which exact Carcano rifle was used since there is a 36" and a 40" version and Oswald may have owned both. Another alternate theory is that the actual rifle found in the book repository was a Mauser, but the Carcano was substituted to frame Oswald.

What is the duration of Conspiracy Theory film?

The duration of Conspiracy Theory - film - is 2.25 hours.