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Lincoln changed the tide on the war because Lincoln did not hesitate to replace commanders who were not up to the job is not exactly the view of the people of that time, nor the view of historians from 1861 to the present time.

Better said was that President Lincoln made bad decisions that caused the needless deaths of many Union troops. It was not the generals who were not up to the job, it was Lincoln who was not up to the job. He did not make wise decisions when selecting his generals.

The tide of the US Civil War was changed by Lincoln's late decision in early 1864 to draft 500,000 new recruits. He could have vastly increased the size of the Union army by doing this in 1862, but failed to see that it was necessary.

The better question might be why did Lincoln and the vast resources the North had, not end the war allot sooner saving the lives of thousands of men on each side. It cannot be overstated that the enemy was not on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean as in the two world wars. They were right next door, and their capital of Richmond a hundred miles from Washington DC.

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Q: How did Lincoln and his generals turn the tide of the war?
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