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Q: How did McCarthyism influence Cold War Attitudes in the US?
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It didn't it was the Cold War.

How did the cold war further the career of senator Joseph mcCarthy?

Joseph McCarthy's career was furthered by the Cold War, as the Cold War brought about the red scare, and it gave a rapid rise to Mccarthyism in america, and Joseph McCarthy was very busy hunting communists for quite some time.

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because the cold war influence many different countries to interfere with the wars

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it didnt.;)

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What was the soviet sphere of influence in the cold war?

The Iron Curtain -BAK

who involved in the cold war?

The Cold War was primarily between the USSR and the USA/NATO. The term was coined as there was no war declared but both sides used their influence to try to support their own ideologies around the globe. The influence of the Cold War can still be seen today and almost every conflict since WWII was at least partly due to conflicting interests of the Cold War adversaries.

How did increase tension between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War contribute to the rise of McCarthyism?

By leading Americans to view Communist beliefs as dangerous to the United Statesr

How did increased tensions between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War contribute to the rise of McCarthyism?

By leading Americans to view Communist beliefs as dangerous to the United Statesr

How were the Korean war and the Vietnam war in their impact on the cold war?

Answer this question… Both involved superpowers in their attempt to influence the spread of communism.

How were the Korean War and the Vietnam War similar in the impact on the Cold War?

both involved superpowers in their attempt to influence the spread of communism

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