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Joseph McCarthy's career was furthered by the Cold War, as the Cold War brought about the red scare, and it gave a rapid rise to Mccarthyism in america, and Joseph McCarthy was very busy hunting communists for quite some time.

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Q: How did the cold war further the career of senator Joseph mcCarthy?
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What did senator Joseph McCarthy accuse president eisenhower of?

of being a communist, which was also the end of Mccartys politics career

What U.S. senator used Americans' fear of communism to promote his career by making baseless accusations of communist activities in the US?

Senator Joseph McCarthy

Senator Joseph McCarthy conducted a Senate investigation regarding communist infiltration of which went too far and led to the demise of his career.?

The U.S. Army

What was McCarthy's career in the senate like before he began his political attacks on suspected communists?

Joseph McCarthy had a fairly unremarkable career in the Senate prior to 1950. He was popular in social circles but not like very well among his fellow Senators. He was voted the worst Senator in office after an incident related to the 1944 Malmedy Massacre.

2 What was McCarthy's career in the Senate like before he began his political attacks on suspected communists?

Joseph McCarthy had a fairly unremarkable career in the Senate prior to 1950. He was popular in social circles but not like very well among his fellow Senators. He was voted the worst Senator in office after an incident related to the 1944 Malmedy Massacre.

He led the anti-communist movement in the 1950s?

Senator Joe McCarthy

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Senator Joseph McCarthy conducted a Senate investigation regarding communist infiltration of what which went too far and led to the demise of his career?

McCarthy claimed that there were known communists in the State Department. He held investigations and hearings and which ruined many careers. He never actually presented any facts to back up his claims that people were communists or "fellow travelers" or traitors to the nation. Presidents Truman and Eisenhower so feared his influence with the public that they did nothing to stop him. When McCarthy attacked the US Army as a hotbed of communist activity, the Senate finally censored him and he died a broken politician.

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Patrick Joseph Kennedy (P.J.) (1858-1929) was the father of Joseph P Kennedy Sr and paternal grandfather to US President John F Kennedy, Senator Robert F Kennedy, and Senator Edward M Kennedy.

Why were Joseph McCarthy's charges so damaging to individuals?

That's a question that can't be answered without looking at the time in which it happened. In the early 1950s, the Cold War had begun, and Americans had deep suspicion of Russia and Communism as China was taken over by a communist regime in 1949, Korea became two in 1950 as the communists held what is now North Korea, and the Soviet Union was about test a nuclear bomb. Since the late 1930s, some members of congress had already been expressing concern about an alleged takeover of the USA by Communists, and Senator McCarthy capitalized on that fear and concern. FBI founder and head Herbert Hoover, an anti-communist fervor himself, also fanned the flames with names of people who were already dismissed, died, or did not exist. There was no internet yet, TV was still fairly new, and fact-checking was not a common practice, so if a congressman (and most were men) made an assertion, the press generally reported it without question. Until Edward R. Murrow took McCarthy on in the 1954 Army hearings, there was not much mainstream media critique of the claims he made, even though some members of his own Republican party (including President Eisenhower) were becoming more and more uncomfortable with McCarthy's accusations. But due to lack of a strong response, a lot of innocent people lost their jobs and their reputations.In one televised hearings on CBS and the DuMont stations, McCarthy was seen as ruthless, arrogant, and a bully. The exchange between attorney Joseph Welch and McCarthy more or less ended McCarthy's career:"Until this moment, Senator, I think I never gauged your cruelty or recklessness...."When McCarthy resumed his attack, Welch cut him short: "Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator.... You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"Prior to this exchange, McCarthy accused the army of harboring "pixies" and "fairies." His general counsel, who also had the tool to instigate, Roy Cohn, was himself a homosexual, something that is known today but was not known back then.Prior to that hearing, McCarthy had a positive 50% rating and after, it fell to 34%. I am leaving links for you to review. The first link concerning "McCarthyism" has listed on the bottom members of the film industry who were "blacklisted." Joseph McCarthy was censored by the Senate and anytime he stood up to speak, very few senators were present. The media also stopped covering him. He died as a result of alcoholism in 1957.*Because he was a senator, he could not be sued for saying these things-Apex

What other political offices does Barack Obama have in his career?

He was a state senator from Illinois, and then he was a U.S. senator, also from Illinois.

How did Joseph McCarthy rise and fall?

He had gained popularity by accusing certain people of being Soviet (Russian) spies, through the fear that had already entered the minds of many Americans they found him to be someone they could trust to protect them from the threat. Through trials and rigorous investigations it was revealed that his "List of spies" was in fact not as trustworthy as he had claimed. The trust of the people was lost and so ended his career and good name.