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Some say Medusa was born ugly. Many stories about how Medusa came to be is numerous. The most famous must be with her and Athena.

One day three beautiful women served as priestest in Athenas temple. One day Poseidan showed love to one priestest, Medusa. They dated in Athenas temple and Athena was so angry over Medusa's disrespect that she turned her in to a monster along with her sisters.

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Q: How did Medusa come to be history?
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Legends come from the history that happened in the past. An example could be of the man who killed medusa. Really it could be that this woman was a cimanal and the emperoor was willing to put is daughter as the reward if they brought her head back.

When Medusa was pregnant how did her babies come out?

By the blood when she was beheaded by Perseus.

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How did Medusa become Medusa?

Poseidon was Medusa's boyfriend and they were hanging out in Athena's temple. Then Athena turned Medusa into Medusa.

How did medusa kids react to medusa's death?

Medusa had no children.

What is the history of Medusa's daughter?

Medusa didn't have any daughters. Her offspring were Pegasus, the winged horse which emerged from her neck when she was beheaded by Perseus, and Chrysaor, her son, who is usually represented as a giant, but may have been a winged boar.

Was Rhea Medusa?

No, Rhea was not Medusa. Rhea was a Titan. Medusa was a Gorgon.

The life of Pegasus?

Pegasus is born from Medusa's freshly skewered head. He/She assists Perceus in saving Andromeda and the rest is history!