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Medusa was always a goddess called Medusa, if she was a goddess Athena only cursed her.

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Q: What god was medusa before she got turned into medusa by Athena?
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What god was Medusa associated with?

She had an affair with the sea god Poseidon and was turned into the monster she is known as by Athena.

What are the crimes that the Greek god Poseidon did?

Raped Medusa in the temple of Athena. Athena then blamed Medusa because it happened in her temple and turned her into the hideous gorgon that she is known for being.

Did Athena turn Medusa into a gorgon so that men couldn't fall in love with her?

She turned Medusa into a monster as a punishment for sneaking out with the sea god Poseidon in Athena's temple, thereby desecrating it.

Was posidon mad at what Athena did to Medusa?

No he was not mad because he was turned to stone when he stared at Medusa. Then was alive again and Made love to Medusa and had 500000 children then He dumped Medusa for another god because Medusa was UGLY

What god did Medusa anger?

Medusa angered the goddess Athena.

Why did Athena turn Medusa into a Gorgon?

Medusa and Poseidon (god of the seas) had sex in one of Athena's temples, which angered Athena.

Why did Athena curse Medusa?

Medusa was the high priestess of Athena. She was beautiful and was desired by many men. One day Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes, took Medusa into Athena's temple and raped her. Athena was furious for being a priest of Athena you had to keep your maidenhood like the goddess. So to make sure this didn't happen again, Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon with snakes for hair and eyes that turn people to stone.

Was Poseidon's wife a god?

No she was not a goddess it was Medusa before she was turned into a Gorgon.

Which greek god turned Medusa's once proud locks into ringlets of hissing snakes?

Medusa was the high priestess of Athena. She was beautiful and was desired by many men. One day Poseidon, Lord of the sea and earthquakes, took Medusa into Athena's temple and raped her. Athena was furious, for being a priestess of Athena, she had to keep her maidenhood like the goddess. So to make sure this didn't happen again, Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon with snakes for hair and eyes that turn people to stone.

Who did the Greek god Athena hate?

Athena Hates Poseidon and Medusa

What was Medusa the god of?

Medusa wasn't a god. But was known/worshiped/seen as a serpent/snake godess/Priestess. She was turned from her original form into a snake-like person by Athena while she was with Poseidon.Medusa is not a god. In ancient Greek Mythology, Medusa was a monster who was so hideous that gazing upon her turned onlookers to stone.She was slain by the hero Perseus.

What does the story of Medusa explain?

I should probably put the story here, or else my answer won't make sense. The story of Medusa: Medusa used to be a beautiful girl. She was a girlfriend of Poseidon, the God of The Seas. One day, Medusa and Poseidon were making out on the floor of one of Athena's temples. Athena realised what was happening, and got mad. She turned Medusa's lovely curls into writhing little snakes, and put a curse on Medusa: whoever looked at Medusa in the eyes will turn into stone. Therefore, Athena turned Medusa into a Gorgon. The explanation: um...never mess with a goddess??