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Q: How did Muslim ideas spread to Europe during the Crusades?
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Were the crusades intended to spread judaism to Europe?

No..the crusades were intended to capture Jerusalem for Christianity and to oust the Moslems from there. The Jews suffered terribly during the crusades.

Why did the trade increase during the crusades?

During the Crusades, land was being fought over and won by Europe. With these territorial conquests, the Europeans won many parts of different lands. Such land gave them Muslim contact, allowing new ideas and cultures to spread; cultural diffusion. This increased Europe's trading ways with the Middle East and also, indirectly, weakening the feudal system. Your Welcome :)

Did the Muslim incursion into Spain have anything to do with the crusades?

Sort of, but ultimately not really. Empires invade other lands and spread influence; its what they do. Muslim incursion into Spain certainly didn't help European views of the middle east, but the crusades would probably have happened anyway even if there were no incursions into Europe.

How did Muslim knowledge spread to Europe?

It was brought back by men who had been in the crusades. Cross cultural learning happens when people go to places and learn new ideas, foods, and inventions. The end result was the ideas that pushed Europe into the Neoplatonic movement .

HOW did Muslim knowledge spread Europe?

It was brought back by men who had been in the crusades. Cross cultural learning happens when people go to places and learn new ideas, foods, and inventions. The end result was the ideas that pushed Europe into the Neoplatonic movement .

What religion did the franks help spread?

Christianity, which they spread to the Near East during the Crusades.

One major result of the crusades was?

spread of middle eastern culture and technology to Europe.

What was the chief of the crusades?

TO spread ChristianityTo retake the Holy Land of Jerusalem off of the Muslim Arabs. There were many Crusades. Towards the end they grew too expensive and ended.

3 long term effects of the crusades?

the Crusades benefited Europe in a number of ways. For one thing, the exchange that occurred during the Crusades facilitated the spread of Islamic math and science. This exposed Europeans to improvements in navigation techniques. These advancements, in turn, helped to usher in Europe's Age of Exploration and led to nearly five centuries of European cultural and economic dominance.

What was the name of the largest Muslim empire that spread throgh out Europe?

The Umayyad Caliphate. However, it did not spread throughout Europe. It only included about half of the Iberian Peninsula, the only area of Europe it reached.

How did ancient Muslim culture spread to Europe?

Even though Muslims did conquer Spain, the reason that Muslim culture spread to Europe was because Islam, was in a very good location for trade. They were surrounded by many bodies of water (for boats to come in and trade). They were also surrounded by three continents (for people to come in and trade by foot or caravan). People from Europe came in to trade and encountered many Muslims. These European traders came in touch with many things that Muslims did as part of their culture. They then decided on their own to convert. These caused the spread of Muslim culture to Europe!

What was chief goal of the crusade?

TO spread ChristianityTo retake the Holy Land of Jerusalem off of the Muslim Arabs. There were many Crusades. Towards the end they grew too expensive and ended.