

Best Answer

Answer 1Adolf Hitler was of the personal belief that competition should be encouraged, even in the party. That the strongest would prevail over those weakest. NSDAP officials would gain power if they proved to be efficient, or if they were an internal friend of Hitlers inner circle of close officials. This is proven with the many individuals who held same ranks like Sturmbannführerr.

Answer 2

In studying the NSDAP (Nazi Party) and how they came to power, it appears that it was a progressive process that eventually allowed Adolf Hilter and his supporters to achieve power. Here is an outline of certain steps that allowed the Nazi regime to gain power...

  1. Hitler becomes 55th member of the DAP (German Workers' Party). This was the beginning party of the Nazis and entry of Adolf Hitler into politics.
  2. Claiming to be a founding member of the party, the DAP is renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party (abbreviated NSDAP).
  3. Eventually, Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in 1933, although it was not a clear majority and did not give them unrestricted power.
  4. Reichstag fire occurs and Hitler puts forth the "Enabling Act" that allows him unrestricted power for the next four years. During which, the Cabinet had the authority to enact laws without the participation of the Reichstag. Giving Hitler "dictatorial" status and allowing him power to install his own policies for Germany (24 March 1933).
  5. President Paul von Hindenburg died August 2nd 1934 and his power was transferred to Hitler to give him the title of "Führer und Reichskanzler" (Leader and Chancellor)

These were some of the more important steps that allowed Nazism to gain power. And with events such as the Night of the Long Knives and Kristallnacht, it strengthened their control over the people of Germany.

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Q: How did Nazis gain power at the Nazi party?
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