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Q: How did Renaissance art and the humanist movement reflect the political economic and social developments of the period?
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How did renaissance art and humanist movement reflect the political economic and social development of the period?

Civ 2, i need to write a page on this exact Q

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Ambroise Pare is a humanist he was a humanist of the Renaissance and followed the Renaissance Humanism

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Sir Thomas More, as a humanist scholar and philosopher, made significant contributions to the Renaissance by writing influential works such as "Utopia" that explored new political and social ideas. He also served as an advisor to King Henry VIII and held important positions in the English government, promoting humanist ideals and advocating for religious tolerance. His legacy in promoting education, dialogue, and critical thinking left a lasting impact on the cultural and intellectual developments of the Renaissance.

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Desiderius Erasmus was a Dutch humanist who played a key role in the Renaissance by advocating for the study of classical literature and promoting humanist ideas. He emphasized the importance of education, critical thinking, and scholarly research, which helped stimulate intellectual and cultural developments during the Renaissance period. His works also critiqued corruption within the Catholic Church, contributing to the Reformation movement.

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Donatello David exhibited humanist thoughts of the Early Renaissance because it captures the beauty of the human form.

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One of the most influential humanist thinkers of the Renaissance is Erasmus of Rotterdam. He was a Dutch scholar known for his scholarly works that promoted classical learning and humanist ideals. Erasmus's writings had a significant impact on the intellectual and cultural development of Europe during the Renaissance.

What did renaissance art reflect the humanist interest in?

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How did machevelli's the prince reflect humanist and renaissance ways of thinking?

Machiavelli's "The Prince" reflected humanist and Renaissance ways of thinking by emphasizing practicality, political realism, and the concept of the end justifying the means. It departed from traditional moral teachings and focused on understanding human nature and applying that knowledge to gain and maintain power. This shift in thinking exemplified the humanist belief in the potential for individual achievement and the importance of secular knowledge.

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Erasmus was a Dutch Renaissance humanist and Catholic Christian theologian.

What kinds of historical examples does Machiavelli use to demonstrate his ideas How does his choice of examples reflect the humanist cultural ideals of the Renaissance?

Machiavelli uses historical examples like Cesare Borgia and the ancient Roman emperors to illustrate his political ideas in "The Prince." These examples reflect the humanist cultural ideals of the Renaissance by emphasizing the importance of understanding human nature and adapting strategies to achieve political goals. Machiavelli's focus on practicality and effectiveness over traditional moral standards was in line with the humanist belief in individual agency and the power of reason.