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yes he went to sea and got sick

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Q: How did Robert Hooke advance microscopy?
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What is know as father of microscopy?

Robert Hooke

What was Robert Hooke's nickname?

The Father of Microscopy

Who wrote the paper Micrographia?

The paper "Micrographia" was written by Robert Hooke, an English scientist, and inventor. It was published in 1665 and is considered one of the earliest and most influential works in the field of microscopy.

Who wrote micrographia and why was it important?

Robert Hooke wrote Micrographia in 1665. It was important because it was the first comprehensive work on microscopy, detailing observations made through a microscope. This groundbreaking book influenced the development of microscopy and laid the foundation for future scientific discoveries.

What are facts about about Robert hooke?

He was born on July 18th, 1635 in Freshwater, Isle Of Wight, England.He died on March 3rd, 1703 in London, England ( aged 67 ). ''''Robert Hooke is one of the most neglected natural philosophers of all timeRobert Hooke is "The Father of Microscopy"Robert Hooke (1635-1703), the British scholar & experimenter

What was Robert hooke major accomplishment in the area of science?

Robert Hooke discovered and named cells. The first cells he saw were dead cork cells. He called them cells because they reminded him of the small, closely packed rooms monks sleep in. He shared some of his observations in a book titled Micrographia. Hooke is known as the father of microscopy.

What is the middle name of Robert hooke?

Robert Hooke doesnt have a middle name.

Who was Robert Hookes mother?

Robert Hooke mother is Ida Hooke. John Hooke (The father of Robert Hooke) married Ida.

Who used a compound microscope to see chambers within cork?

Robert Hooke

Who looked at cork tissue and named the structure cells?

Robert Hooke .

Who discovered that cork is made of little empty boxes called cells?

Robert Hooke

What was Robert hooke's contribution to light?

robert hooke is a hooker.