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Solomon did a number of things which were sinful and forbidden by almighty God and this can be traced as leading to a downhill path both for himself personally and then for the nation.

Firstly he married a foreign wife. Not a problem of itself except that she, it seems was a political marriage of convenience (being of high Egyptian connection) and especially that this eventually led to idolatry.

Secondly, he had many wives. To say this is an understatement. Many if not most of these were also idolatrous. The Bible explicitly states that these led him away into idolatry.

Thirdly, this was the example his father gave to young Rehoboam about how a King of Israel and father should behave.

The rest is history. Idolatry and blatant disregard for God's revealed will entered the public arena and influenced the nation from the top down.

Incidentally, we are not told, I believe, that his great wealth or power or wisdom or influence led him astray, although it may be true that he became proud with how grand everything was and didn't humbly attribute this to almighty God. Thus he felt free to disregard God's clear commands, somehow feeling himself to be 'above the law' even though some specific additional commands applied directly to Kings of Israel.

Thus, through Solomon both idolatry and immorality entered the life of the nation. Along with that was blatant disregard for both God and His word. This then led to moral decay, God's truth and prohibitions always being for the good of His people.

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