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When he saw that the plates could fit.

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Q: How did Wegener come up with his theory of contintal drift?
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Why did Alfred wegener come up with the continental drift theory?

he had evidence from the mountain range that were there. and that the same fossils were found in the different continents.

What hypothesis did Wegener come up with?

The idea known as "Continental Drift."

What year did Alfred Wegener come up with Continental Drift?


What does the Theory of Continental Drift?

the movement of the continent i :-)

Who was the first scientist who first came up with concept of continental drift?

Alfred Wegner was the first person to come up with continental drift

What theory did Abraham ortelius come up with?

Continental drift

What is bureaucratic drift?

A bureaucratic drift is a kind of theory that tells about the tendency of bureaucratic agencies to create new policy that comes from the original mandate. It produced legislation that come from elected officials.

What are Plate tectonics evidence?

The theory of plate tectonics has succumbed to the newer theory of continental drift. Scientists believe this theory today due to three main factors. First, the continents appear to fit together. When the continental shelves, as opposed to just the continents, are placed together, the fit appears uncanny. Second, the distribution of fossils is consistent with continental drift. Lastly, glacial deposits once covered parts of the earth that are currently tropical.ANSWER: The plate tectonics theory is relatively new and formulated only in the 1960s. The evidence listed above in the first answer can only support the continental drift theory which was developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912. Evidence that can support the plate tectonics theory are the age, depth of oceanic sediments, volcanic activity, geothermal gradient, gravity anomalies, paleomagnetism and seismologic evidence. If you are answering an exam question on evidence supporting plate tectonics, evidence supporting continental drift theory should only come later in your answer and should not be given too much emphasis, for the plate tectonics theory involves more than just the continental crust drifting around and cannot support the main hypotheses of the plate tectonics theory.

Who is Alfred wegener and what did he theorize?

Alfred Wegener was a German geologist from the early 20th century. He was the 1st to theorize continental drift.Plus The evidence he used is that the continents seemed to fit together when you look at a map. He also used matching fossil evidence from the coasts of South America and Africa to prove this. He also did this with rocks from the different continents. One last point he used was ancient climate evidence that matched different areas of the world together at some point in the past. Although he made some groundbreaking theories his work was not widely accepted and was ridiculed by most of the scientific community in his day. This was mostly because he could not come up with a mechanism to explain the movement of the continents. His ideas later paved the way for the now accepted plate tectonics theory

Did Alfred wegener come from a wealthy or poor family?

he was from a wealthy family.

Explain in your own words continental drift GCSE?

continental drift moves away but will eventually come together

When does ice age continental drift come out in DVD?

When it does