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Q: How did Wegener use fossil evidence to support his hypothesis?
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Is fossil evidence used to support continental drift hypothesis?


How did fossil provide evidence for Continental drift?

It is any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock.Fossils provided evidence for continental drift by Wegener's hypothesis. Wegener studied land features, fossils, and evidence of climate change.

What evidence supports his hypothesis?

The evidence that supports wegeners hypothesis is the fossil evidence

Does fossil evidence support Wegener's theory?


What pieces of evidence Alfred wegener used to support his theory?

The pieces of evidence Alfred Wegener used to support his theory about continental drift were; Puzzle Fit, Fossil evidence from animals that were once on the same continent, geologic evidence like mountain chains that were connected and now split apart, and ice sheets. Thank you for reading this article and I hoped it answered your question!

What fossil fern supported wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

The fossils were of Glossopteris (extinct seed ferns).

How did Alfred Wegener use rock and fossil evidence to support his hypothesis-?

Wegener used the fit of the continents, the distribution of fossils, a similar sequence of rocks at numerous locations, ancient climates, and the apparent wandering of the Earth's polar regions to support his idea. other words rock types and agesRock types and ages.

Which one of following pieces of evidence did wegener usee to support his theory of continental drift?

The 100% correct answer is A similar fossil was found in Africa, South America, Australia, India, and Antarctica.

Do fossils and rocks support the hypothesis of continental drift?

yes it does, one fossil plant that helped support the hypothesis of the conentental drift is glossopteris.

Does fossil evidence support wegner's theory?


Whtat ways do the fossils help support the hypothesis of continental drift?

what ways do fossils hepl support the hypothesis of the continental drift?ANSWER: fossil plants like glossopteris.

What kind of fossil evidence supported wegeners hypothesis?

Because Katie beaver said so bitchhh