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he did this in Pennsylvania which he founded as part of his holy expirament. he gave all people religious freedom in his constitutions.

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Q: How did William penn plan for self gomerment and relugious freedom?
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What is one right or freedom that William penn gave colonist in Pennsylvania?

One right or freedom that William Penn gave colonists in Pennsylvania is freedom of speech,freedom of religion,and the right to a fair trial by jury.

Who founded Pennsylvania for religious freedom?

William Penn.

Why did William Penn start pennslyvania?

William Penn wanted people to have religious freedom too so he started Pennslyvania.:)

Who was William Penn and what did he do?

William Penn founded the English colony of Pennsylvania and designed the city of Philadelphia. He believed in religious freedom and democracy.

Was there religious freedom in colonial Pennsylvania?

There was religious freedom in colonial Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1681 and was originally based on religious freedom for the Quakers.

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What is one right or freedom that William Penn gave the colonist in Pennsylvania?

william penn was a quaker and was given land from the king to pay off debt to him. he wanted religious freedom and more equality

On what principles did William Penn develop his colony of Pennsylvania?

William Penn developed his colony of Pennsylvania on the principles of religious freedom. It was originally set up as a colony for Quakers but religious freedom was extended to all religions.

Who were the rich Englishman who founded Pennsylvania for religious freedom?

William Penn.

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Why did William Penn and the lenape have a meeting?

because he wanted to talk about freedom

What did William Penn's goals for his colony?

Penn wanted His colony to be a model of religious freedom, peace, and christian living.