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Bleeding Kansas was a curtain-raiser for the Civil War, a small, local conflict that showed the dangerous enmity between the two sides. A well-meaning politician, Stephen Douglas, had suggested that the people of each new state ought to be allowed to vote on whether it would be slave or free (Popular Sovereignty'). By allowing one state at a time to vote, it attracted every bully-boy from both sides into that one thinly-populated area, to intimidate voters and try to upset the ballot. It convinced many people that the slavery debate would never be settled, except through violence.

Bleeding Sumner was a scandal in Congress, when a Southern politician Preston Brooks physically attacked Northern abolitionist Charles Sumner for slandering the Southern cause. This also demonstrated the violent feelings generated by the slavery debate, making a peaceful outcome seem more unlikely than ever.

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Q: How did bleeding kansas and bleeding sumner affect north and the south?
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Why did Preston Brooks attack Charles Sumner in 1854?

The increasing political conflict between North and South.Congressman Preston Brooks from South Carolina attacked Senator Charles Sumner with his walking cane, at Sumner's desk in the Senate because of a speech Sumner made that blamed Southerners for the pro slavery violence in Kansas. Sumner was beaten and defaced so badly that he did not return back to Senate for three years. When news spread of this event, Southerners supplied Brooks with many replacement walking canes.

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Sumner Lyon was born on June 18, 1909, in Bowbells, North Dakota, USA.

Effects of bleeding kansas?

From 1854-1861, a variety of conflicts, referred to as 'Bleeding Kansas,' occurred in the territory (and soon-to-be state) of Kansas between pro-slavery and anti-slavery Americans. These conflicts had the general effect of adding to national tensions between the South and the North and may be said to have contributed to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

What was the infamous incident between senator Charles sumner and congressman Preston brooks in 1854?

On March 19,1856 Republican Senator Charles Sumner started a violent speech on the topic "The crime against Kansas". He attacked the pro-slavery establishment and parliamentary representatives in general but he addressed himself particularly against the old Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina, who, some days before energetically sustained the Kansas had to be admitted in the Union as a slave State. Indeed, Sumner's attitude and verbal attack against Butler were really excessive and, when the speech was over, the nephew of Butler, Honorable Preston Books, seized by anger approached Sumner and hit him five or six time on the head with his walking stick, knocking him down bleeding and unconscious. The happening contributed to worsen further on the tensions and enlarge the furrow already in being between North and South

Which state is north of Kansas?

Nebraska is obviously due north of Kansas