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tensions increased between the north and south causing small wars leading up to secession and the civil war

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Q: How did bleeding kansas lead to the the civil war?
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Related questions

What nickname was given to Kansas after Civil war broke out about slavery?

Bleeding kansas

What was the nickname of Kansas prior to the civil war?

I think it was called "Bleeding Kansas"

How did the Kansas-Nebraska act lead to bleeding Kansas?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act also led to "Bleeding Kansas," a mini civil war that erupted in Kansas in 1856. Northerners and Southerners flooded Kansas in 1854 and 1855, determined to convert the future state to their view on slavery.

What was Bleeding Kansas's impact on the Civil War?

They had their way with President Lincoln

What was the prairie territory where a small-scale civil war erupted in 1856?

Kansas territory

Did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to civil war?

of course it did

Which battle started the US Civil War?

Bleeding Kansas and the Siege of Fort Sumter.

What term described the prairie territory where a small-scale civil war?

Bleeding Kansas

Why why were there two constitutions Kansas?

Because of what history today calls bleeding Kansas. Kansas was separated between a pro north and a pro south government during the civil war.

How do you use Bleeding Kansas in a sentence?

The term Bleeding Kansas was used to describe an internal struggle that presaged the US Civil War. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 resulted in armed violence, involving pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces, in the border war referred to as Bleeding Kansas.

What contributed to the event of Bleeding Kansas?

Slavery was an issue that contributed to the event of Bleeding Kansas. Bleeding Kansas was also known as the Bloody Kansas war.

What is an important battle that led to the civil war?

"Bleeding Kansas" was named the "Pre-Civil War" between pro-slavery and anti-slavery people