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they captured fort Miami and fort Owatanon.

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Q: How did british gain control of the fur trade during french and Indian war?
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What was British doing during french and Indian war?

The British fought the French.

Who strategically placed forts during the French and Indian War the British or the French?

the british

What day did the British win control the Ohio river valley during the French and Indian war?

oct 13 1892

Were British and the French enemies during the French and Indian War?

yes they were

Where did delegates for 7 colonies meet during French and Indian War?

No delegates met during the French and Indian war. The colonies were still British and fought by the British military.

Who was the British during the French and Indian war?

William Pitt

Which trade did both the french and the british want control over?

Both the French and British colonist wanted control over the fur trade. The result of the fight was the French and Indian War.

What lands did the British control as result of the French and Indian War?

they gained control of Canada and french lands east of the Mississippi river.

Who had the strongest navy in the world at the time of the Indian and french war?

The British had the strongest navy during the French and Indian War

Why is 1761 important in Indian history?

The British took control of the city of Pondicherry, which was under control of the French.

What side were the American colonies on during the French and Indian war?

They were on the British side, The French and Indians were allies against the British.

British king during the french and Indian war?

King George