

How did church upset reformers?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: How did church upset reformers?
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What were some of the church practices that reformers spoke out against from the 14th through the 16th centuries?

People were upset because the church paid no taxes on its vast landholdings. Reformers also objected to the sale of indulgences. They also did not like the way the church spent its money. Many popes spent large sums of money on their personal pleasure.

What are two church practices that reformers wanted to change?

Two church practices that reformers wanted to change were the selling of indulgences, which promised the forgiveness of sins in exchange for money, and the excessive wealth and corruption of the clergy. They also sought to reform the focus on rituals and traditions over personal faith and relationship with God.

What church practices led reformers to speak out in the 1300s 1400s?

Indulgences led reformers to speak.

Reformers found fault with all the following practices of the Catholic Church except?

It is true that reformers found many faults with the practices of the Catholic Church.

What church practices did reformers dislike?

they disliked the way the church earned and spent its money.

Whom did reformers struggle against?

The Reformation Act was a revolution among the people breaking away from the church. Reformers struggled against the religious leaders, and the members who agreed with the church.

Who were the reformers who protested certain practices of the Catholic Church?


Who where the Reformers who protested some of the practices of the Catholic church?


What did reformers do in order to limit the involvement of the catholic church in french government?

Reformers set up a system of free public elementary schools. The Catholic Church was in charge of education previously.

What problems did the church refomers have in the middle ages?

There were no reformers. The Catholic church was in full control of the society.

What was the main dilemma between reformers and the Church?

Reformers were most upset by three main issues: The village priests married and had families, which was against Church rulings. Also, bishops sold positions in the Church, and this was called simony. Finally, kings appointed church bishops, and the Church reformers thought that the Church alone should appoint bishops. These all were part of the reformers' hope to get back to the basic principles of the Christian religion.

What basic idea did the reformers share?

To go against the catholic church.