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i think it was at first that the native Americans attacked them cuz they were new strange people but then over time they became freindly but then amerticans betrayed them.

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uuuhhh idrk man sorry

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Q: How did colonists' relationship with native Americans change over time?
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no not at all

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well all that domination, if they were submit to their leaders !

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Colonist wanted the natives land

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The colonists sent out an army to wipe out all of the native Americans because the native Americans were killing all of the colonists and that is why there was such a small group of colonists.

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How did growing travels between English colonists and native Americans change life in new England

How did colonists relationship with natives change over time?

i think it was at first that the native Americans attacked them cuz they were new strange people but then over time they became freindly but then amerticans betrayed them.

How did colonists in Georgia relate with native Americans?

kylie interacted with the native americans.

What happened to the Colonists?

The colonists relied on Native Americans for food.

How did the native Americans and colonists react to the Proclamation of 1763?

the colonists were furious with it but the western lands were reserved for the native americans as "hunting grounds"