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well, before the jews were exiled to babalonia, the jews sacrificed food, and livestock, and spoke hebrew every day. after however, we jews turned to praying in hebrew and spoke everyday in the language of the country we were in.

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Q: How did cultural traditions change as a result of the Jewish diaspora?
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How did cultural traditions change as a result of the diaspora?

well, before the jews were exiled to babalonia, the jews sacrificed food, and livestock, and spoke hebrew every day. after however, we jews turned to praying in hebrew and spoke everyday in the language of the country we were in.

How does diffusion cause cultural change?

it causes cultural change by bringing in diffrent cultures and traditions into a superior culture making it into a melting pot

Did the Babylonians change the Hebrew faith?

The Jewish answer is that the Babylonians did not change the Jewish faith. Our traditions, which we still keep, have been around since long before the Babylonian exile.

The Jewish wedding tradition change over time?

Yes and no. Orthodox Jews follow ALL Jewish wedding traditions while Reform Jews make their own decisions.

Is cultural change good?

the culture in a given place is a result of life conditions. the cultures of places are constantly changing as conditions change, there are some harsh cultural traditions that are better gone then still with us so while some cultural changes that make life more joyful and colourful being lost because they are swamped by modern life attitudes and technology is a shame there are also many good reasons for cultural change.

What developments can cause cultures to change?

Cultural change can be influenced by various factors such as technological advancements, globalization, immigration, social movements, and intercultural interactions. These developments can bring about new ideas, beliefs, values, and practices that may lead to shifts in cultural norms and traditions within a society.

What major change allowed Jewish people to survive the diaspora?

For 1800 years after the Giving of the Torah, the Oral Traditions had never been put in writing; and there was even a prohibition to do so (Talmud, Gittin 59). Due to the danger of parts of the halakha (laws) being forgotten, the sages saw no choice but to permit the writing of the Oral Torah; and 1500 years ago, the Talmud and Midrashim were written down.

In a tradition society why might those in power resist change?

Change can undermine cultural traditions. They don't want to share their power. Those in power often have an economic advantage over those without power.

What change helped Judaism during the diaspora?

The putting of the Talmud into writing.

Definition of socio and cultural change?

Social change is a change in society. Cultural change is a change in culture.

What are three general ways that cultural change is set in motion?

cultural change is set in motion by cultural diffusion, cultural discovery and cultural invention.

What change help Judaism survive during the Diaspora?

The putting of the Talmud into writing.