

Best Answer
  • when two have mated
  • then they have a baby or whatever you call it
  • then its has both of the parents genes
  • and thats it
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Q: How did gregor mendel describe dominant and recessive traits?
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Who is the scientist that discovered dominant and recessive traits?

Gregor Johann Mendel: see The Mendelevian Genetics of Inheritance.

Gregor Mendel is studied in this course because he?

did research on dominant and recessive traits.

What contribution of Gregor mendel?

Gregor Mendel came up with the first formulation of the laws of inheritance of dominant and recessive traits.

What was Mendel's main contribution to hereditary science?

Gregor Mendel showed the way dominant and recessive traits are inherited and expressed.

If Gregor Mendel would have not used true bleeding plants would he have had discovered dominant and recessive traits?

No. At least not him.

How did gregor Mendel become famous?

He discovered dominant and recessive alleles. He also bread and tested 29,000 pea plants

Did Gregor Mendel find that the dominant trait prevents the expression of the recessive trait?


What was gregor Mendels famous for?

Genetic exploration using dominant and recessive traits in sweet pea flowers to predict color outcome of offspring.

What is the discover in gregor mendel?

He gave the law of segregation & the law of independent assortment. He also gave the concept dominant and recessive allele.

Trait of an organism that can be masked by the dominant by the dominant form of a trait?

A trait that masks another trait is called dominant, or a dominant trait.

What did Gregor Mendel study?

He studied dominant and recessive genes. He studied pea plants and the traits that they obtained from previous generations.

How did Gregor Mendel Contribute to science?

He was the father of modern genetics. He studied inheritance with pea plants and developed the theory of dominant and recessive traits.