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Q: How did he enlightenment change the way people viewed government?
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How did the enlightenment change the way people viewed the government?

Enlightenment gave people a different view of how government works. People began to view government as a means to accomplish bigger goals.

What effect did the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment have on the colonist view of government?

It affected the way people viewed their political rights and their governments.

Describe what the Enlightenment thinkers viewed as the social contract theory of government?

In a monarchy, trade is based on luxury and does not serve the needs of the country.

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The Federalists viewed the people as lesser than them and the people should not run the government. The Republicans viewed the people greatly like they should run the government.

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how did the the achievements of those exploerers change the way in which people viewed their world

How did the achievements of those explores the way in which people viewed their world?

how did the the achievements of those exploerers change the way in which people viewed their world

How did the federalists and the republicans view the role of the ordinary people in the government?

The representatives said that the elected officials ruled in the people's name. (the Federalists also agreed with that)

The Renaissance can best be described as?

a gradual change in the way people viewed things

How did the enlightenment change the way people viewed human nature?

The Enlightenment emphasized reason, science, and individual rights, leading people to view human nature as rational, capable of progress, and deserving of freedom and dignity. It challenged traditional beliefs that portrayed humans as inherently sinful or morally weak, instead emphasizing human potential for self-improvement and social change. This shift in thinking paved the way for modern concepts of human rights and democracy.