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Godfrey Smitham

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Pinkie Davis

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Raven Altenwerth

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Jimmy Hoeger

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Nat Olson

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how did the federalists veiw the power of the national goverment

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βˆ™ 4y ago

They viewed them as bad people

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Q: How did the federalist view the power of the national government?
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What was the federalist view on the assumption of state debts?

The view was that the Federal Government should pay off the states' war debts.

What has caused the expansion of power of the National Government since 1789?

A loose constructionist view of the U.S. Constitution is one factor that has led to the national government expanding its power. The opposite philosophy is known as strict constructionism.

What did the anti-federalists stand for?

TheAnti - Federalists stood for a strong state government and either a weaker or equal national government thus the supremacy clause contradicted the anti - federalist view of government. They believed that Congress's limitless power to tax that is found in Constitution would infringe on the citizen's rights. Also they believed that the national government should not be allowed to have a standing army in times of peace. Lastly, the necessary and proper clause worried the anti - federalists because this gave power an unlimited source of power that some founders were afraid would be abused. Basically, the anti - federalist's had reasonable reservations about the ratification of the Constitution.

Was Edmund randolph an anti-federalist?

He had views both for Federalist and Anti-Federalist. He did not sign the Constitution because it did not meet the Republican needs but later signed the ratification and changed his view.

Did the anti federalist oppose slavery?

No, Antifederalists were those who favored a less centralized national government. SECOND ANSWER: I am not sure of the "position of the Anti-Federalists" on slavery (as if they all held the same view on it; highly unlikely), but whoever posted the first answer is a f*cking idiot. Since when does supporting a less centralized federal government constitute the support of slavery? If you are going to answer a question, you should stick to answering the question; not trying to classify two different positions as mutually inclusive.

Related questions

Was there an equal representation of federalist and anti-federalist points of view in the Constitutional Convention?

Federalist (fed er a list ) a federalist is a supporter of a strong national government and in favor of adopting of the constitution.

What was the difference between the Federalist view and the Anti federalist view of government?

the Federalist were all for the constitution and the anti-federalist were against it because they thought it needed a bill of rights to protect individual rights!

What party were formed by the supporters of Alexander Hamilton?

The Federalist party grew out of Hamilton's view of a strong federal government.

What was the federalist view on the assumption of state debts?

The view was that the Federal Government should pay off the states' war debts.

What was Roger Sherman's main view point of the Constitution?

he was for strong national govt.

What view did the federalist hold?

Federals held that a strong central government was important for the economic and political stability of the United States. Anti-federalists believed that if too much power was given to the central government, it would become a difficult situation.

Where did anti federalist tend to be from?

The Anti-Federalists, sometimes called Republicans, held a different view of the role of government. Anti-Federalists were typically from agrarian rather than urban regions. They felt that government should never be too far removed from the common people, and feared that a national government with too much power would not act in the interest of the majority of its citizens.

What has caused the expansion of power of the National Government since 1789?

A loose constructionist view of the U.S. Constitution is one factor that has led to the national government expanding its power. The opposite philosophy is known as strict constructionism.

How did federalist view the constitution?

they are in favor of it

What was Abe Lincolns s view on national and state government?

Lincoln felt that slavery was wrong, he felt that the national government overpowered the state governments.

How did the federalist and the Republicans view the role of ordinary people in government?

The Federalists viewed the people as lesser than them and the people should not run the government. The Republicans viewed the people greatly like they should run the government.

Was Washington a Democratic Republican or Federalist?

he was not either one but he agreed with the federalist point of view a lot.