The view was that the Federal Government should pay off the states' war debts.
He had views both for Federalist and Anti-Federalist. He did not sign the Constitution because it did not meet the Republican needs but later signed the ratification and changed his view.
The ideology of state capitalism, as in Leninโs view.
strong nations....
The New Deal welfare state
They were against the idea of it since it required giving the federal government more power than what was allowed in the Constitution. They also felt it was more catering to areas with the most debt, like Boston, in order to help out the manufacturing econmony in the north.
they are in favor of it
he was not either one but he agreed with the federalist point of view a lot.
The Federalist party grew out of Hamilton's view of a strong federal government.
Federalist (fed er a list ) a federalist is a supporter of a strong national government and in favor of adopting of the constitution.
the Federalist were all for the constitution and the anti-federalist were against it because they thought it needed a bill of rights to protect individual rights!
He had views both for Federalist and Anti-Federalist. He did not sign the Constitution because it did not meet the Republican needs but later signed the ratification and changed his view.
he was for strong national govt.
The materialistic view of the state and state formation is that all the property of the state belongs to the head of state and not the people.
Jefferson wanted to pay off debts; Hamilton did not.
Jefferson wanted to pay off debts; Hamilton did not.
Jefferson wanted to pay off debts; Hamilton did not.