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He wrote a book.

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Q: How did ignatius sancho help abolish slavery?
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How did slavery help the enlightenment?

it did slavery did not help the enlightenment if anything the people were ignorant for thinking that slavery would help them insted it makes them look like vulgar human beings that were for the first time learning to think for them selves but in any case the first decision they made was to enslave another culture real smart

What is the primary conflict between these two accounts of slavery?

This is homework and you need to write the answer. Wiki will not help you cheat.

Did Charles Cotesworth Pinckney agree with slavery?

yes, he agreed with slavery because in his speech of 1820 he backed up slavery saying "Have the Northern states any idea of the value of our slaves? At least, sir, six hundred millions of dollars." Charles Cotesworth Pinckney was an agricultural man from South Carolina who owned lots of land where he grew cotton and he owned slaves to help him with the crop.

Why is slavery wrong?

Ancient Egyptian slavery causes more destruction than help. It obliterates an individual's self-governance or sovereignty. It takes over that person's life by others who have not obtained authority to do this, and slaves would get killed or beaten when they did something wrong. Ancient Egyptian Slaves were not sold as nuclear families, men were taken from their wives, children from their parents, and entire families were ripped apart. The acts against slaves made it seem as if they were worthless, which is not equality at all. The slaves did not receive the equality they rightfully deserved. Slavery should not be allowed because it is cruel. I believe that slavery should not be allowed at all. Using someone as a slave hurts humanity, the person who is serving as the slave could potentially become someone important in the world, and Ancient Egyptian slavery hurts countries politically and creates drama that's not worth the time. Egyptian slavery should not be allowed because slavery is not a way to treat people, we are all humans and are equal, and people deserve to be free and have a happy life. Thank you!!!

How do heroes help us?

what could a hero do to help us

Related questions

What can people do to combat slavery?

we can help by trying to abolish the slavery.

How did econmics actions help to abolish slavery?

they did not help

What did black people do to hep abolish slavery?

they did nothing to help

Who help slavery to abolish?

Abraham Lincoln was one person who helped to abolish slavery. He was influential enough to convince many people to give up their slaves and free them.

Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe start writing?

She didn't approve of slavery and had a skill of literature, so she starting writing to help abolish slavery

Was peg leg joe white or black?

I think that he was a white man trying to help abolish slavery.

What was the earliest attempts to abolish slavery?

One of the early attempts to abolish slavery was the raid at Harper's Ferry. John Brown led a Provisional Army of 19 men to raid the government's weapons supplies and suppliers. John Brown believed that the raid would awaken the people's view on slavery and help abolish it. You can google some more information on him and the raid.

How did Granville Sharp help to end slavery?

he and William wilberforce helped abolish the slave trade by keeping on at the parliament

How did Harriet Beecher Stowe help abolish slavery by writing Uncle Tom's Cabin?

It played a part in making the harsh life of slavery more visible to others as it was written in a Newspaper, chapter by chapter (or so)

What was one problem that led to the cilvil war?

The one significant problem that led to the Civil War was that despite President elect Lincoln's vow to not to abolish slavery in the South, many powerful Southerners did not believe him. The fact is that Lincoln thought that it was not legally possible to abolish slavery where it already existed. He was against slavery and would help make sure it did not spread to the new US territories.

What were Saint Ignatius Loyola's beliefs?

he loved to help the poor

Use abolitionists in a sentence?

An abolitionist was a person who worked to abolish slavery in the United States. So in a sentence: Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist.