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Immigrants migrated to the United States by boat, mostly from Europe. They came to Ellis Island near New York. A million Asians came in to Angel Island near San Francisco.

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7y ago

They walked, hitched a ride in a wagon, paid for a ride in a wagon or took a train to a port such as Hamburg in Germany, Le Havre in France, Amsterdam in Holland and others. Then they traveled in steerage class, which meant each person had a bunk of about 2 1/2 feet by 6 feet, double tiered, in a huge room below decks in a steam ship. There was no place allotted for sitting or storage, nno recreation areas, no common areas except when the benches and tables were brought out for meals, so the steerage passengers spent most of their time in these cramped, airless bunks. In good weather, they were allowed to come up on certain areas of the deck to get some fresh air. Food was usually adequate in amount but not good quality or well-prepared, and it was rarely what the immigrants were used to eating. In fact, religious Jews generally could not eat any cooked food because it was not kosher. The sink and toilet facilities were inadequate for so many people, and combined with the vomiting from seasickness, the smell in steerage was almost unbearable.

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16y ago

they settled in dove town

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Q: How did immigrants migrate to the US in 1865-1914?
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