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3d ago

The Inca people built rope bridges by weaving fibers made from grasses or plant materials together to create strong cables. These cables were then secured to anchor points on opposite sides of the canyon or gap they were crossing. Wooden slats were added to create a walkway, and the bridge was reinforced with additional cables for stability.

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Continue Learning about Archaeology

Did Incas build ziggurats?

No, the Incas did not build ziggurats. Ziggurats are ancient Mesopotamian temple structures made of stacked layers, while the Incas constructed stone structures like Machu Picchu in Peru using a technique called ashlar masonry.

One achievement of the Incas?

The Incas are renowned for their advanced engineering and architectural skills, particularly their impressive network of roads and bridges throughout their empire. They also built the citadel of Machu Picchu, which showcases their mastery of construction on difficult terrains with impressive precision.

What did the Incas build to increase farmland?

The Incas built agricultural terraces called "andenes" to increase farmland. These terraces were constructed on steep slopes to create flat surfaces for farming and prevent erosion. Additionally, the Incas utilized irrigation systems to efficiently water their crops and increase agricultural productivity.

What were some elements of daily life for the Incas?

Daily life for the Incas involved farming, weaving, and ceramics. They also engaged in religious rituals, such as offerings and ceremonies to honor their gods. Additionally, the Incas had a sophisticated system of communication and transportation using the extensive network of roads they built.

How did the Incas build farms in the mountains?

The Incas built farms in the mountains by creating terraces on the steep slopes. These terraces helped control erosion, retain water, and create flat surfaces for cultivating crops. The Incas also used irrigation systems to channel water from higher elevations to their mountain farms.

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The quipu rope was what carried messages for the Inca.

Who invented the wire rope that was used to build suspension bridges?

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arch bridges

How did the Incas build farms in the mountains?

The Incas built farms in the mountains by creating terraces on the steep slopes. These terraces helped control erosion, retain water, and create flat surfaces for cultivating crops. The Incas also used irrigation systems to channel water from higher elevations to their mountain farms.

Did the Incas build beautiful cities?

Yes, the Incas built stunning cities such as Machu Picchu, known for its breathtaking mountain setting and intricate stone architecture. They are revered for their advanced engineering and design skills, blending harmoniously with the natural landscape.

Why Were Incas Important?

They were great engineers. They were the ones who made the construction of the first suspension bridges.

What was human envirement like for the Incas?

The Incas lived in a diverse environment that included mountains, valleys, and coastal regions. They adapted by employing terraced farming to grow crops like corn, potatoes, and quinoa. They also developed an extensive road network to navigate the challenging terrain and built sophisticated irrigation systems to support agriculture.

What are build on rivers?
