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No single candidate won a majority of the votes cast in the 1860 election. Abraham Lincoln won the most with 1,865,908, 39.7% of all the votes cast. Stephen A. Douglas won 1,380,202 votes, 29.5% of the vote. John C. Breckinridge won 848,019 votes, 18.2% of the vote, and John Bell won 590,901, 12.6%.

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Q: How did most people vote in the election of 1860?
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Lincoln won the election of 1860 because?

he had a minority of the people's vote.

Which presidential candidate of the 1860 election did most white in the south vote for?

Because at the time of the election of 1860 only white males had the right to vote, so it's unnecessary to ask who most whites voted for in 1860. Most southern states voted for the Southern Democratic Party's candidate John Breckenridge, who's VP was Joseph Lane. Two links:,_1860

What was different or interesting about Lincoln's election as president in 1860?

He recieved a plurality of the popular vote and a majority of the electoral vote.

Lincoln won the election without what?

Lincoln won the election in 1860 without the majority of the popular vote. He won 40% of the popular vote, and 180 out of 303 electoral votes.

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John C. Calhoun died on March 31, 1850.

Why has election day become the last day people can vote?

People are now allowed to vote early in most states. Obviously there has to be a date after which no one can vote and that is election day. In other words, no state allows late voting.

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When the media coverage of the election is intense (plato)

What does vote early and vote often mean?

It means you can vote before the Election Day and to vote when there is an election. Only one out of 3 people who can vote don’t vote. When people don’t vote they leave the decisions to others.

The election of 1860 had four candidates which resulted in?

Lincoln winning the presidency with only 40 percent of the popular vote

What is the relationship between an election and voting?

People vote in an election.

What candidate did Massachusetts pick in the presidential election of 1860?

Lincoln carried Massachusetts in 1860 with 62.9 %of the vote. Douglas got 20.3%, John Bell 13.2% and Breckinridge 3.5%.

What do we call the people who can vote in election?

The Electorate