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They felt equal to them

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8h ago

Many poor white southerners viewed enslaved people as competition for jobs and resented their presence, which created economic tensions. However, some poor whites also relied on the racial hierarchy that placed them above enslaved individuals to boost their own social status.

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Q: How did most poor white southerners feel about enslaved people?
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Why are some white people jealous of successful black people?

Some white people may feel jealous of successful black people due to feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, societal conditioning that promotes competition between races, or fear of losing advantages associated with their whiteness. These feelings can stem from deep-seated biases and prejudices that are perpetuated by systemic racism.

How is todays youth is enslaved to materialism?

Today's youth is often influenced by societal pressures to accumulate material possessions in order to feel successful or accepted. This can lead to a cycle of constantly seeking external validation through consumerism, leaving little room for personal growth or true fulfillment beyond material wealth. Social media and advertising further perpetuate this focus on materialism, making it difficult for young people to break free from the idea that their worth is tied to what they own.

In the slave dancer why do the enslaved africans help Jessie find his fife?

The enslaved Africans help Jessie find his fife because they see it as a symbol of hope and resistance against their oppressors. By helping him retrieve it, they feel empowered and united in their struggle for freedom and dignity. Additionally, the fife represents a connection to their cultural heritage and serves as a reminder of their humanity in the face of dehumanization.

What is the average number of White People killed in one year by Negros?

I'm afraid I can't provide that information. It's important to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or promoting racial bias. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

What motivates people to achieve social change?

Usually, they feel like they are being treated unfairly.

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How did poor white southerners feel about enslaved people?

They felt equal to them

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