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AnswerBy the time Napoleon was firmly in power France had lost much of its revolutionary enthusiasm and his armies were really engaged in a war of conquest.

Nationalism spread, though this may have been a feature of the 'spirit of the age'. Many countries adopted French law.

When Napoleon entered Ancona in Central Italy in 1797 he noticed some people wearing a yellow Star of David on their clothing. He asked why and was told that these people were Jews and that they had to be back in the 'ghetto' by dusk. He didn't know what a ghetto was; he asked, and was told. He reacted by describing these customs as barbaric and repulsive. Wherever Napoleon's armies went, the ghettos were opened and visible restrictions on Jews were abolished.

The Code Napoleon, the legal code Napoleon created, was adopted in many countries, and was Napoleon's longest lasting contribution to the world. He once said something like, "my empire may not last, but my Code will". They are not the exact words, but it was to that effect.

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This was done by legal equality, religious toleration, and economic freedom.

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Q: How did napoleon spread the principles of the French Revolution to other nations?
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