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Q: How did people appose the three reasons for the rapid western imperialism?
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What is the driving force behind European imperialism?

The same reasons as imperialism anywhere else; money and power. There are always other reasons for people to migrate around the world. Curiosity & exploration, emigrating for a job/land, religious reasons, etc. But IMPERIALISM is not about moving somewhere and enjoying the experience. It is about owning or controlling something that isn't yours.

How did imperialism lead to tension between nations?

New political tensions developed becuase people didnt know who to follow anymore, the original east, or the modernized western imperialism

How were the Chinese people treated during the western imperialism?

very good they got served cakes and all had tea parties

What are the causes of the world 1?

So many people have different reasons why WW1 was caused, but the main reason was that someone killed the prince. Some other reasons are because of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism.

What are the causes of World War 1?

So many people have different reasons why WW1 was caused, but the main reason was that someone killed the prince. Some other reasons are because of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism.

What made it harder for the Chinese to resist Western influence?

the technology developed during the Industrial Revolution

Was imperialism good in the Belgian Congo?

Absolutely not. They used the Congo's natural resources to build their own country, not thinking about the Congolese people and before the King Leopold II killed over 10 million Congolese people, for selfish reasons.

Which attitude did mark twain display on his attack on American imperialism?

Anti-Imperialism : he supported self government for all people

Which attitude did mark twain display in his attack on America imperialism?

Anti-Imperialism : he supported self government for all people

How did British imperialism affect the boers British and the Zulu people in 1902?

British Imperialism very much angered the Boers and the Zulu.

How did imperialism hurt the people in Angola?

The people of Angola were victims of the imperialism of Portugal. Angolans were forced to obey Portuguese laws and to give up valuable minerals and farmlands to Portugal.

What pushed the Bantu to migrate east and than south in Africa?

The Age of Imperialism caused a Western-educated African elite to emerge.