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Q: How did pro slavery and anti slavery forces oppose each other in kansas?
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What were the consequences of popular sovereignty in Kansas?

a violent clash between pro-slavery and antislavery forces

Forces that oppose each other with equal strength?

balanced force

What led to a violent struggle over slevery in Kansas?

Violence erupted in Kansas due to the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. Pro-slavery people and anti-slavery people became savage with each other over the issue of slavery. The result of the severe violence is termed "Bleeding Kansas".

Is Conflict caused by forces in opposition?

All conflicts are caused by forces in opposition, but not all forces in opposition oppose each other strongly enough to cause conflict (for example civil debate or electromagnetism).

Why did Kansas become known as bloody Kansas?

Prior to Kansas joining the Union, the Kansas Territory was a hotbed of violence and chaos between anti-slavery and pro-slavery settlers. Kansas was known as Bleeding Kansas as these forces collided over the issue of slavery in the United States. The term "Bleeding Kansas" was coined by Republican Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune.

What was Abraham Lincoln's position on slavery in Kansas?

In 1854, Abraham Lincoln made a speech about the popular sovereignty movement with regards to Kansas. He believed that slavery should be banned in that territory because it was morally wrong, not due to the voting opinions of its citizens. In other words, do not vote against slavery because its a preference such as citizens do not want Blacks to enter Kansas, but vote against slavery because as citizens you believe it to be morally wrong to enslave anyone.

Which these was not a border state?

Kansas was not a border state during the American Civil War. The border states were Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, which were states that allowed slavery but did not secede from the Union. Kansas, on the other hand, was a free state and did not have the same debates over secession and slavery.

What was the effect of Bleeding Kansas on the Democratic Party?

The effect of Bleeding Kansas on the Democratic party was that it divided the party in half. One half that wanted to expand slavery and the other group didn't.

Who chose between slavery or no slavery during the Kansas and Nebraska act?

Supposedly the citizens of Kansas, who would exercise their right to vote on the issue. But this thinly-populated territory was soon invaded by bully-boys from either side, who would buy cheap properties in order to vote - but also intimidated other citizens and clashed with each other, causing much bloodshed. (Hence 'Bleeding Kansas'.)

How did the Kansas- Nebraska act lead to violence in Kansas?

The Kansas - Nebraska Act was passed with the idea that the citizens could decide amongst themselves whether to vote for slavery or not. In Nebraska the non slavery group was fairly well established. Not the same thing however in Kansas. There bitter and Strong feelings on both sides of the issue resulted in violence between pro and anti slavery groups.

What is a ablitionist?

An abolitionist is someone who advocates for the complete elimination of a particular practice or system, especially in the context of slavery or other forms of exploitation. Abolitionists work towards changing laws and societal norms to put an end to the injustices they oppose.

Could the violence in kansas have been prevented if codgress had not abandond the Missouri compromise?

It's a matter of opinion, but I think not. Unlike other states, residents of Kansas were fairly evenly divided on the issue of slavery and determined to fight it out.