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In 1854, Abraham Lincoln made a speech about the popular sovereignty movement with regards to Kansas. He believed that slavery should be banned in that territory because it was morally wrong, not due to the voting opinions of its citizens. In other words, do not vote against slavery because its a preference such as citizens do not want Blacks to enter Kansas, but vote against slavery because as citizens you believe it to be morally wrong to enslave anyone.

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Q: What was Abraham Lincoln's position on slavery in Kansas?
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What was the position of the south with regard to slavery in the Kansas territory?

Congress did not have the power to make rules about slavery in the kansas territory.

Why did Abraham Lincoln opposed the kansas-nebraska act?

he was against slavery.

Who did Stephen Douglas's support the Kansas-Nebraska Act leding to a series of debates over slavery with?

Abraham Lincoln

What events led Abraham Lincoln to speak out against slavery?

the kansas nebraska act and the dread Scott decision caused violence and anger that caught Abraham Lincoln's attention.

How did Franklin Pierce's position on slavery affect the situation in Kansas?

Franklin Pierce's position on slavery greatly influenced the situation in Kansas. He supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed popular sovereignty in determining the slavery question. This led to violent conflicts between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in Kansas, known as "Bleeding Kansas." Pierce's stance effectively exacerbated tensions and further divided the nation over the issue of slavery.

What was the effect of an event in bleeding kansas?

Tensions and violence over slavery spread outside Kansas

What was the South concerned about if slavery was not permitted in Kansas?

They were concerned that slavery would come 2 kansas

How did anti slavery forces hope to prevent slavery in Kansas?

by scrambling to get anti slavery people to Kansas fist and starting a competition.

How did the anti slavery forces hope to prevent slavery in Kansas?

by scrambling to get anti slavery people to kansas fist and starting a competition.

What contributed to the event of Bleeding Kansas?

Slavery was an issue that contributed to the event of Bleeding Kansas. Bleeding Kansas was also known as the Bloody Kansas war.

When was slavery abolished in Kansas if it had slavery?

Kansas was a "free" state, therefore it never had slavery. It entered the Union as a "free" state on January 29, 1861.

What was the term used by the newspapers to describe the conflict over slavery in kansas?

"Bleeding Kansas" was the term used by newspapers to describe the conflict over slavery in Kansas, which erupted in violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in the 1850s.