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The Reformation was a movement in the 16th century that led to the division of Christianity into Protestant and Catholic branches. It contributed to the spread of new ideas regarding individual interpretation of religious texts, the rejection of certain practices of the Catholic Church, and a focus on personal relationships with God. Overall, the Reformation played a significant role in shaping modern Christianity and influencing various aspects of society in Europe.

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Q: How did reformation contribute?
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What contribute most to the Reformation?

hi im Jonathan

How did the reformation indirectly contribute to the growth of democracy?

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It led Europeans to begin questioning traditional authorities

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How did Great Schism contribute to Protestant Reformation?

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he used a lot of stuff oh wow^^ very helpfull... 0.o

What did martin Luther contribute to reformation?

he wrote the 95 theses that told the church that they were wrong for selling indulgences and this led to the development of the religion of Lutheranism

How did the Protestant Reformation contribute to the start of the enlightenment?

It led Europeans to begin questioning traditional authorities

How did the Protestant Reformation contribute to modern ideas about rights?

A large part of why the Reformation gained so much steam was because the put upon and forgotten and abused had suffered under the apathy of the Catholic Church for so long. Seeing the principals of the Reformation relating to the uplifting of their own needs was a crucial point that carried the movement into the modern age.

How did the protestants reformation contribute to religious toleration?

The protestant revolt did NOT contribute to religious toleration, it just multiplied the sects that hated each other, and in many cases made hatred of the Christian religion, which Christ had established (the Catholic Church) acceptable.

How did Luther's reaction to the peasants war affect the counter reformation?

Luther's reaction to the Peasants' War was generally unsupportive, fearing the chaos it could bring. While this did not directly lead to the Counter-Reformation, it did contribute to the fractured state of Christianity in Europe, prompting further religious unrest and debates. The Counter-Reformation was more a response to the Protestant Reformation, focusing on reforms within the Catholic Church to address criticisms raised by reformers like Luther.

What is cultural reformation?

for me a cultural reformation is a reformation cultural