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The role of rivers in the development of the first civilization were seen in various ways. They helped in the fertility of the soils for growing crops and were also used for purposes of transportation using boats and canoes.

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9y ago
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12y ago

The major rivers played a huge part in the development of early civilizations due to the fact that they helped fertile the soil, which made it easier to grow crops. When the crops began to grow so did the population and this made farming become more and more common to all civilizations. With this farmers grew and grew and in order to keep the water under control they created a irrigation system to help regulate the movement of the water so that it was evenly distributed across the civilizations who had become a part of the agriculture regions. In order to help the irrigation system someone was needed to control the distribution, which formed governments and specializations. Floods damaged the crops at certain points in time. Workers began to build to help control that, which means that they often built walls and buildings to keep everything under control.

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15y ago

Two of the most famous to support early civilizations were the Tigrus and Euphrates rivers, located in modern day Iraq. Together, they formed what was called the "Fertile Crescent" and allowed the flourishing of some of the earliest civilizations known to man, the Mesopotamian and Babylonian civilizations.

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9y ago

Rivers provided a source of fertile soil for early peoples. When the river flooded, the soil was rejuvenated and crops could crop. Later on, it rivers were the perfect way to stay connected to the world- trade was easier and exploration was opened.

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12y ago

Some of the developments of the early river valley civilizations were that they developed agriculture, written language and other stuff.

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6y ago

Transportation, Agriculture, and Food

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Q: How did rivers play a role in the first civilization?
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