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from energy spectrum of the of the sun

it normally done in laboratory even for finding the elements present.

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Q: How did scientists confirm that the sun has hydrogen and helium power?
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Why is the sun slowly changing from being made of hydrogen to being made of Helium?

It is because of the nuclear fusion reactions which power the Sun. They produce energy by converting hydrogen into helium. In fact it's more complicated than the question suggests, but that's the basic idea.

Where does sun get its energy?

There is a huge quantity of hydrogen in the sun's core. These atoms fuse into a helium atom. This energy gets radiated outwards from the core and moves across to the solar system. The sun thus produces energy by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen in its core into helium.

What is the cause of sun's enormous energy output?

The fusion of hydrogen into helium, and the conversion of a tiny amount of mass into energy, in accordance with Einstein's equation "E= mc2". The total mass of four hydrogen atoms is SLIGHTLY higher than the mass of one helium atom. This takes place at temperatures in the millions of degrees and under incredible pressure, conditions that are only found in the cores of stars. Here on Earth, we are capable of creating these conditions, but only for tiny fractions of a second. We call it a "nuclear explosion". We _THINK_ we're getting close to creating these conditions in a more controlled manner, in reactors that may eventually be "nuclear fusion reactors", but we're probably 20 years away from being able to do that. Alas, scientists have been saying for 40 years that they were "20 years away" from developing nuclear fusion as a controlled power source. Good thing we scientists are perennial optimists!

Why is solar power successful?

Solar power is successful because scientists said so, okay. It also helps the environment.

Why does most of your energy come from the sun?

Nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in the core of the Sun provides the energy that allows the Sun to shine, and to hold itself up against the crushing force of its internal gravity. Basically its like a giant ongoing nuclear reaction. Nuclear fusion is the term to describe lighter nuclei joining (or fusing) together to form heavier nuclei. As the heavier nuclei form, energy is released in the form of heat, light and gamma radiation.

Related questions

What is the role of hydrogen and helium in the sythesis of elements?

Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in the universe. And stars use them for power. To put it simply, hydrogen is fused into helium, and helium into carbon. All the heavier elements are made from there up through iron. The trans-iron elements are made is a supernova. It could be argued that hydrogen and helium are the basic building blocks of other elements.

Will helium 3 allow us to use nuclear fusion for power?

On earth, for power production, the most likely fuel source will be hydrogen isotopes, not helium 3

How does a main sequence star power itself?

A main sequence star gets its energy by fusing hydrogen-1 into helium-4.

What happens when hydrogen is converted to helium?

The problem with converting hydrogen into helium here on Earth is that it is somewhat messy. The only way we can yet convert hydrogen into helium is through nuclear fusion, and there is not yet any way to control a self-sustaining fusion reaction. An uncontrolled fusion reaction is called a nuclear bomb. So, as I said; it can be messy. Scientists around the world are working on ways to generate energy from controlled fusion reactions. When we accomplish this, it will be the end of all energy shortages and usher in an era of unlimited power. But we aren't there yet. The movie "Back to the Future II" featured the "Mr. Fusion" device to power the time machine. We're still waiting.....

Why is the sun slowly changing from being made of hydrogen to being made of Helium?

It is because of the nuclear fusion reactions which power the Sun. They produce energy by converting hydrogen into helium. In fact it's more complicated than the question suggests, but that's the basic idea.

What natural gases give power to the sun?

Our sun gets energy from fusing hydrogen atoms with neutrons to form helium atoms.

What does a hydrogen bomb use for its explosive power?

An explosive weapon of enormous destructive power caused by the fusion of the nuclei of various hydrogen isotopes in the formation of helium nuclei.

What is true of hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen fusion?

Beyond their use of hydrogen to make power there are nothing but differences between the two. Fuel cells combine oxygen and hydrogen in a porous membrane to make electricity. Hydrogen fusion takes two hydrogen atoms and fuses them into a helium atom generating heat and several particles.

How does the amount of Hydrogen differ from that of helium in the Sun mass?

The Sun is about 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, and 2% "other". When the Sun gets to about 50% hydrogen, the amount of helium present will seriously interfere with the hydrogen fusion, and the Sun will begin to collapse under its own gravity. The Sun's core is currently around 15 million degrees Kelvin. As the Sun collapses, the increasing pressure will heat the Sun, and when it gets to about 45 million degrees, the Sun will begin fusing helium and with the new power source will expand into a red giant. We expect this to happen in about 4 billion years, perhaps a little more.

What is different about the suns energy generation process versus energy in human built power plants?

The sun's energy comes from the FUSION of hydrogen atoms to form helium, which can occur in the sun because the hydrogen is held in a dense state by gravity. We cannot contain hydrogen for long enough at high enough temperature and pressure for a power station.

What power stars?

Stars are basically very large nuclear fusion reactions where Hydrogen atoms are fused at great heat and pressure into Helium (or other Hydrogen forms) releasing huge amounts of energy.

What is the second lightest gas?

The second lightest gas is helium. The lightest gas is hydrogen which is also the lightest element. They are very close on the Periodic Table.